Here's a question:
Climbing left turn while maintaining a constant bank angle. What control forces are needed, if any, and why?
I like to use this example with students (and any pilot demonstrating a lack of understanding at how the engine/propeller effects the airplane and how to compensate for it)
You can go over the forces in the classroom and then demonstrate them in the air. Set up a climb power (I neglected to mention climb power in the question. I assumed people would figure this out on their own. Silly me) , left climbing-constant bank turn (how about 25 degrees? Again, I didn't mention it. Silly me.)
A properly rigged glider in trimmed flight flies straight and true. Hang an engine on the front, and now you have a new set of forces to contend with. Being able to understand and compensate for these for is what makes you a pilot, instead of just someone turning and pushing on the controls.
(I'm going to keep this simple and understandable. My intent is to focus explanations that have practical value to individuals from all backgrounds wanting to learn fly)
Engines with propellers produce the following forces on a front-mounted , tri-gear, single-engine, airplane. (see how I'm covering all of the bases now?)
Torque, P-factor, slipstream, and gyroscopic precession.
Since an airplane spends most of it's time in cruise, the manufacturers design and built their airplanes to compensate for these forces in cruise flight.
Some will cant the engine from centerline. Some will offset the vertical stabilizer. Some will increase angle of incedence on the right wing. Some will increase dihedral.
So, when slower than cruise, the pilot needs to compensate for these factors. The slower and the higher the power setting, the more the pilot has to be involved.
A left climbing, constant bank turn is a great place to demonstrate this. Once you have the plane set up in this climbing turn, let go of the wheel and take you feet off of the rudder petals.
P-factor and slipstream will want to yaw the nose left, and torque will want to increase roll to the left. So, your inputs to maintain this constant bank, coordinated will require right rudder and right aileron. Try this the next time you're out and see for yourself.
Here's something else to observe with yourself and with someone else flying. (This drives me nuts)
You start your takeoff roll and invariably, the plane goes left. The rest of the take off roll is spent trying to get the plane back to the right and on centerline.
Because torque is trying to roll the airplane left and is creating more drag on the left wheel (why do left tires wear out quicker?? This plus turning around mostly on the left tire)
Although this is a roll issue, the rudder and nose gear steering is responsible for keeping the airplane straight. next time you take off think about this and be ready with the right rudder.
(I used to use torque to my advantage taking off in a high, direct crosswind which split a single runway. And when departing a short strip, like KSBS, in the King Air, I would lag the right engine's torque a couple hundred ft/pounds from a full power brake release to help compensate for the incredible torque. I would bring the right up to full power shortly afterwards)
When you rotate, what happens to the nose?? It goes left because now you've introduced a high angle of attack to a high power setting and P-factor comes in play. You have backed off on the right rudder after the initial roll and now you'll need to add (and hold it again for the climb-out).
Adverse yaw is caused by the displacement of the ailerons necessary to create the desired bank.
In a left turn, the left ailerons deflects up, reducing the wing camber, thus reducing lift AND drag. The right aileron drops, increasing camber, increasing lift AND increasing drag. So, the left wing accelerates while the right wing decelerates creating a yaw in the opposite direction of the intended turn. Applying rudder with the ailerons will prevent the yaw.
Hope this helps!
When departing a short str