I killed a guy one time.


May the force be with you
Aug 8, 2013
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Edit: Ignore. Wrong forum...
Thought I was typing in a different window.
Why did you stop at one time?
With this thumb...

(Ratatouille reference...)

Definitely dark, but hilarious thread...made me laff out loud while talking to Dell India.
I thought I was on hitmenofamerica forum.
My bad
I once taught a man in Reno just to watch him fly...
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As a hunter, I have over 14,100 kills. Mostly Dregs, Vandals, Wizards, Thrall, Alcolytes...

.Link to stats..
I hope to God he wasn't an unarmed young black man!
Oh, and this thread title made me spit my drink up...thanks! :)
OK, I'm getting worried. Has anyone seen or heard from Mrs. 6PC lately? I was just starting to believe she wasn't a figment of his imagination.
OK, I'm getting worried. Has anyone seen or heard from Mrs. 6PC lately? I was just starting to believe she wasn't a figment of his imagination.


She's in bed with the flu. So is my daughter.
I would take a photo and upload it but she will see this thread and then I will go missing.
Couldn't you get him to rub your binky any other way?