I'm finding that in my computer's "typical" state, I'm now using 15 to 16 percent of RAM, on average. "Typical" would be both Dreamweaver and Fireworks open (I rarely close either one of them), two or three Web browsers, Mailwasher, and Thunderbird. Photoshop adds about another one to three percent depending on what it's doing. Premiere Pro adds another 20 to 35 percent. I haven't gone over 50 percent running all of them at the same time, even with Premiere Pro doing a transcoding job. So for now, I'm good RAM-wise.
The SSD is till in "probably" status. The CPU is in "maybe" status. I'm in my price-seeking mode now. They're averaging about $30.00 below retail at most of my usual vendors. To me, because that discount seems pretty ubiquitous, the discounted price becomes the base price; and if I don't pay at least 30 percent less than the base price, I feel like I overpaid. It's just a duty of mine. One of my purposes in life is to exert downward pressure on prices. You might say it's a calling.
If I can't find that big a discount, then I'll have to use Plan B: Buy it from either Amazon or Micro Center, use their credit card, and stretch the payments out until right before the interest-free period expires. That way, I feel like I'm screwing either Synchrony or Wells Fargo respectively out of their interest, which partially compensates for my feeling as if I didn't get a good enough price. Any time I can screw a bank, it's a good day.
In fact, the main reason why I even have an Amazon card is because I get five percent back on every purchase, but because I PIF every month, I never pay interest. Every time I pay my bill in full I giggle with glee just knowing that I actually cost Synchony a little bit of money. It's one of the highlights of my months.