I hate women... what went wrong (pics)?

There are women out there who are as promiscuous as any guy. If that's the life they want to lead then who am I to judge? I don't have a dual standard when it comes to sexual behavior. I don't have any daughters either.
A majority of PoA are terrible at closing with women apparently.

Apparently. I can without arrogance say that has never been a problem with me. But I also do not follow the op's regime.
Apparently. I can without arrogance say that has never been a problem with me. But I also do not follow the op's regime.

From reading your posts/corruptible wishes about multiple korean women at the gym, it appears your problem is opening, not closing. :yes:
Originally Posted by LandSickness
First of all, the title of your post tells the story. Misogyny is a serious turn off to most women. You answered your own question; what went wrong is that you hate women. This thread is riddled with supporting evidence.

Secondly, women use alcohol and other means as a convenient alibi to justify their sluttiness after the fact, so outing her intentions prematurely probably dried up the old peach, if you get my drift.

Thirdly, Your screen name is familiar because for a while I thought you were the "A Pilot's Story" filmmaker Will. Because of that, I've read several of your posts on POA. With all due respect, you can be a bit of a tool at times, so I'm betting you've probably talked yourself out of more "strange" than you're even aware. The upside is that you're a twentysomething acting like an adolescent as opposed to a fortysomething acting like an adolescent so there's hope for you.

Please elaborate on this.

I've read your replies to some pretty sensitive subjects and let's just say your candor can be inflammatory at times.

I think a lot of us have had our share of roles playing the stunt penis in our twenties. What you don't get yet is that those are rarely speaking roles.
That reminds me of a guy I went to college with, who was quite the ladies' man, and who liked to give advice to the other guys where we lived. Some of his advice was good, and some was not. Among the good advice was his recommendation not to brag to other guys about one's conquests. As he said, "Girls' carresses are worth a lot more than guys' admiration."
From reading your posts/corruptible wishes about multiple korean women at the gym, it appears your problem is opening, not closing. :yes:

Slowly improving, slowly improving...
Sounds like you are trying to take advantage of a drunk girl.
Going back to the original post... You went wrong with this girl because you were too honest and pointed out the reality of the situation. She was drunk and on the verge of hooking up with some guy she doesn't know well and who ?insulted? her earlier. LOL

So you can do two things. 1) Be yourself. or 2) Try to hold back a bit on what you really think and attract more women.

I recommend #1. You may come across as obnoxious in the short term but, as you age, you'll mellow out and start spouting the standard answers without having to fake them. i.e. we were all young once.
To the OP: Regardless of how wrong you are in thinking that you're going to really enjoy or benefit from any of this "experience" you talk about, I'll play along anyway (regardless of the inherent stupidity in this conversation):

Nothing wrong with two consenting adults simply wanting to bump uglies, but you're going about this the wrong way, way wrong.

Your chances of being "successful" are incredibly small if you're not willing to invest at least a little time into this. Hang out with her for a few hours, get one or two drinks or do whatever, anything OTHER THAN trying to get laid. Figure out her sense of humor, be articulate (if you can) then make her laugh (if you can) and eventually segue into asking if she is DTF. If she isn't, and that's really all you're interested in, move on, you're wasting your time and probably embarrassing yourself in the process.

If she is, then you know what to do (although your posts in this thread may suggest otherwise)...

And now, for the real advice: bedding 10 or 20 or even 100 women will not make you a guru on the subject. Everybody is different and prefers different things. Your experience will almost entirely be relevant only to that person you're with at that moment. Same goes for them, they won't have the slightest clue what you're into until the two of you have had multiple "encounters". You don't need any more than one partner to get all the experience you need and the best times you'll ever have will be with the person you've been with many times prior.
Non-aviation? Well, if her name starts with an "N" then he can log the hours to add to his total experience.

Does EdFred have a flowchart for something like this?

I totally missed this comment. ROFLMAO.
-Went to bar
-Saw girl from class
-She has been hitting on me in class for the past 2 months so I knew she liked me
-Never hit back on her
-Last night, I was drunk at bar and I started hitting on her for the first time
-In bar, jokingly flirted and called her a 'slut'
-Left the bar, and received the following texts





I don't understand women...
wtf went wrong...?

I need serious advice.

Going to be the most awkward class ever on Monday.

You need to work on your game.

1. If you're drunk (and she's not) then ... you're just another drunk in the bar. Probably the 20th one to hit on her that same night.

2. The fact that you didn't hit on her until you WERE drunk means only one thing. Women spend their whole lives fending off men - she knew what you were doing.

3. Don't insult a woman. Regardless of what these d-bag "hookup artists" on TV say women don't like that. They want to be respected.

4. Stay away from my daughter. :goofy:
Ignoring all of your other problems (hating women, calling them sluts while expecting to hook up, etc)...

You're hooking up with as many randoms as possible to boost your experience? Really? Dude...just no. If you want to bang as many girls as possible, go for it. It's not my dick you're ruining. But don't say that you're doing it to gain experience. That's absurd.

If you are using your previous experiences to become a better lover, then you are most definitely "doing it wrong." If you think women are impressed by your 'signature move,' let me tell you, they are not. You are the guy they all laugh about when talking about sex. Try this: Connect with the girl emotionally. React to what she is doing, and she will react to you. You will instantly become a great lover if you can pick up on what she is telling you in bed. Like flying, it's an organic thing that's always changing and never the same.
If you do that, along with what everyone else is telling you in this thread, then you will become a prize that women seek out.

Finally, nothing you've shown is is coming across as "alpha." You're coming across as a beta TRYING to be alpha. You are just trying way too hard.
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So glad I don't have a daughter!

If I had only known then, what I know now, I'd have been dangerous. But, come to think of it, not much I'd change if I could. I did well.

Will: don't be a jerk, don't write anything, drunk, you'd be embarrassed to read sober, and always conduct yourself as a gentleman. You'll wind up with better dates, and dramatically reduce the odds of meeting some girl's ****ed-off daddy with a gun, some wooded remote land and a backhoe ("...why yes, we did just build a new septic field").
Thanks for the replies. I'm starting to think the entire calling her a slut thing was a bad idea. I'll hold off for a while and set my sights on women who I'm more interested in.
Thanks for the replies. I'm starting to think the entire calling her a slut thing was a bad idea. I'll hold off for a while and set my sights on women who I'm more interested in.

That would likely be a good idea. The 'experience' portion is a lot more useful that way.
I'm starting to think the entire calling her a slut thing was a bad idea.
It is...it is disrespect...there will NEVER be any gain in disrespecting people.

That would likely be a good idea. The 'experience' portion is a lot more useful that way.

...and a bit of wisdom for the OP....

"Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want..."
Thanks for the replies. I'm starting to think the entire calling her a slut thing was a bad idea. I'll hold off for a while and set my sights on women who I'm more interested in.

Usually that comment is made at the end of a relationship, not the beginning.
haha she was into you. you blew that one, and it wasn't the slut bit. Bet you get the lets just be friends speech next time you see her.

Agree. A sober mind could easily have gotten past the "slut" flub. Amazingly, she hung on after that and was minutes away from meeting up for the night. But young Will couldn't stop digging the hole deeper. The text string reads like "How can I turn this minor faux pas into a total train wreck."

But, we could be wrong, please report back. :yes:
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She got past the "slut" comment ok; probably had a sense of humor. Where he went wrong, other than being a complete douche, was that he was too too lazy to invest the time to at least go meet her somewhere to make the most of her interest. If he was that self-centered when she was showing some interest, and she picked up on it, then he is done. If she still has interest after that she has self respect issues.
She got past the "slut" comment ok; probably had a sense of humor. Where he went wrong, other than being a complete douche, was that he was too too lazy to invest the time to at least go meet her somewhere to make the most of her interest. If he was that self-centered when she was showing some interest, and she picked up on it, then he is done. If she still has interest after that she has self respect issues.

That's not uncommon though...lots of girls seek out abusive relationships.
That's not uncommon though...lots of girls seek out abusive relationships.
I don't think they seek them, it's just what they know. It's normal. They don't know to avoid bad relationships because in their world that is how a relationship is.
I don't think they seek them, it's just what they know. It's normal. They don't know to avoid bad relationships because in their world that is how a relationship is.

Trust me, there are plenty of girls who seek 'bad boys'.
Even if you are setting your sights on women you are more interested in, you should just be straightforward about what you want. There are plenty of girls that will be fine with that, no need to screw over (figuratively) girls that want "more".

And alpha males don't whine about text messages. Ever.
Even if you are setting your sights on women you are more interested in, you should just be straightforward about what you want. There are plenty of girls that will be fine with that, no need to screw over (figuratively) girls that want "more".

And alpha males don't whine about text messages. Ever.

I know. I try to be alpha but deep down I'm a beta bich most of the time.
When I see most of the "alphas" I knew in my twenties they now ask me either "would you like fries with that" or "plastic or paper bags".
She got past the "slut" comment ok; probably had a sense of humor. Where he went wrong, other than being a complete douche, was that he was too too lazy to invest the time to at least go meet her somewhere to make the most of her interest. If he was that self-centered when she was showing some interest, and she picked up on it, then he is done. If she still has interest after that she has self respect issues.

Thanks for the replies. I'm starting to think the entire calling her a slut thing was a bad idea. I'll hold off for a while and set my sights on women who I'm more interested in.

Simple rule for those your age: Don't f*** anyone you wouldn't kiss.