Hank S
Friday I bought a Giant Escape hybrid, the old heavy Fuji mountain bike couldn’t keep up with the better half on the Rail Trail with her Trek Hybrid. Yesterday we rode the Rail Trail for a test drive and new bike runs well. Only went out about six miles and decided to return on the highway to get a feel of how it runs on the road. Passing a house just off the road a loose Pit Bull comes running out and attacking me. I manage to kick it off with my right foot and it comes around to the left side still in attack mode, and I kick it off with my left foot. With the last kick the dog retreats and I escape uninjured. Poetic Justice – a couple hundred feet further down the road I see a police cruiser coming and I flag him down, explain the problem of a loose aggressive Pit Bull and ask him to visit the house. So within a couple of minutes of the attack these idiots have a police car with lights flashing in their drive.
I stopped by the PD later and ask the officer how did it go when he talked with the owners of the pit bull? He said, Ya, they know but the dog is old and can’t hurt anyone. Bulls..t! And last week one of their dogs was hit and killed on the highway.
I also had an Epiphany, WHY DO PEOPLE WITH LOW IQ’s HAVE PIT BULLS!!
It seems everyone who onws a Pit Bull has an IQ lower than the Dog’s IQ!
Holy Sh..t, where’s my beer!
A friend used to keep a CO2 bb pistol on his handlebars for exactly this situation. Dog gets close, discourage it with a single bb. Either that, or carry a stick you can swing at its head while pedaling with both feet.