I don't get minecraft

My little brother plays Minecraft all the time. I'll stick to Forza and Madden
$$$ conversion is completely legal in Eve Online. And you can get more than cash from MMOs. I originally met my wife because we played EverQuest :)

Conversion is legal, but buying isk from players for money isn't :p the russian bots are still working around the clock y'know. Spreadsheets Online was fun for a while, 2007 up until a couple years ago. I spent most of my time as a logistics pilot up to capitals. Very well rounded character, just got tired of flying with fleets that refused to do even the simplest things and flying 40-50 jumps to defend a tower and haul our tired butts back for another alarm clock op. Some days you tried to die so you'd be able to go to bed at a reasonable hour :p

Oh holy hell. They blinged TF2??? Sigh. Glad I missed that.

"There are currently a total of 779 cosmetic items. 107 can be obtained in Vintage quality, 72 can be obtained in Strange quality, 135 can be obtained in Genuine quality (see item quality distribution), 78 can be obtained in Collector's quality, and 342 of the hats can be painted 29 colors using different varieties of Paint Cans."

Here's a box that will net you an item out of a list, for free! Oh, you want to open it...that's going to cost you a key. $2.50 is expensive for one item in game? That's okay...BUT IT COULD BE AN UNUSUAL! The only way you'll ever know is to buy a non-reusable key for 2.50...

It's kind of sad, they're trying to tie in item sales and promotional offers with items in TF2 (like Shogun and Portal) and there is a huge list of servers absolutely dedicated to trading items. Full of whiny 10 year olds trying to overprice items. The frying pan was a melee item given to people with Left 4 Dead. Then Man versus Machine came out - co op 6 player kind of defense map where you fight robots. There's the casual level...then there's the pay $1 per run on a higher difficulty with the chance, at the end, of getting AUSTRALIUM weapons. Golden sniper rifle, golden minigun...etc, functioning exactly the same as the normal ones but just a different skin. Something that didn't cost the reskinning team much time at all. What happened?


They took the frying pan and made a golden variant - this one, when you kill people, they turn into golden ragdolls and fall over. Kind of cool, but they pulled this gimmick a while back with something like 100 golden wrenches for the engineer update.

Every player on the game gets a notification when one drops along with the name of the player that got it as a reward for completing a certain paid MvM mission. At the tune of 4-6 map victories each costing 1 ticket at $1 to get into.

One of them sold a while back for $5,500 in real world money. :dunno:

Also there are wedding rings in game you can buy for $99.99 each that announce to everyone in the game...
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Is that the geek version of Col. Jessup's speech?

ROFL. You need me rioting your packets. You want me routing your packets.

You want the truth about computers and how useless they are for most folk?? You can't handle the truth!!! ;)
I think i have crossed an age threshold or something. My nieces play mine craft and speak about it like I would have airplanes as a kid (And by "kid" I mean "adult".)

So I have a couple iPads and I put it on them awhile back and let my kids (5&7) give it a whirl. You would have thought Jesus was in the iPad giving free tickets to heaven. They went Ape for it.

I sat down with them this evening and had them show me what it does and I am not getting it.

The graphics are crap and there seems to be no real goal. You build stuff and then kill sheep or something :dunno:

They are fascinated by it and are asking to watch videos of people playing it.

It is unbelievably popular. Granted I don't play any video games but that is because I get started and can't stop. There was a semester in college where I think I never left the house and just stayed home and played Quake. But this one seems to be lacking in the reward area.

Anyone else baffled by this game?
Is there a goal I am missing?

My 7 yr old daughter was recently introduced to this game by her cousins. She loves the "creative" mode where she can build anything she wants. She took to it quickly and now has quite a few cities built. She has shown me a trick or two on it and I'm currently working on building my own city. I haven't tried to the survivor mode yet.

I've noticed that she can really get lost in the game. The wife and I have had to reign in her tablet time a bit because of it.
Dammit!!! I am the newest victim of the internet making us stupider.
My son showed this to me and now I cant get the chorus out of my head.
I am going to be singing this all day.

I still have a 61 druid and a something-or-other ranger on EQ1, a 65 Coercer and 65 Shaman on EQ2, a max level necro on Rift, a something-or-other on SWTOR, and I had some dudes on SWG before they killed it. I'm sure I'm missing some games in there (Vanguard, Conan, DAoC... positive there are more...) I hated Eve, but I still managed to have a maxed out miner and a specops dude.

I'm not an addict. I swear.

Wow - brings back memories.

I've had characters on: EQ, EQ2, DAoC, Lineage II, Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, AC (or maybe it was AC2, I forget), Eve, Guild Wars 2, and WoW. Plus two FPS MMOs, Planetside 1 and 2.

Most fun MMO was DAoC, before all the stupid expansions. Had a 50 Lurikeen Ranger, and loved stealthing around in the frontiers. Looking forward to seeing what some of the original dev team does with the crowdsourced Camelot Unchained. I might even contribute to that.

Most boring MMO for me was Eve. I lasted about two months and got sick of all the time spent warping around. Got way too bored and quit.
Dammit!!! I am the newest victim of the internet making us stupider.
My son showed this to me and now I cant get the chorus out of my head.
I am going to be singing this all day.

I was like that after I saw Guardians of the Galaxy (twice - excellent movie). I couldn't get that song Hooked on a Feeling out of my head.

Aaaah aaah-aaah aaah ah....hooked on a feeling!

Damnit, now I'm gonna be singing that all day...
I was like that after I saw Guardians of the Galaxy (twice - excellent movie). I couldn't get that song Hooked on a Feeling out of my head.

Aaaah aaah-aaah aaah ah....hooked on a feeling!

Damnit, now I'm gonna be singing that all day...

You think that's bad?

Don't see Attack of the Killer Tomatoes.

Or Mars Attacks. Ack ack ack ack!
Wow - brings back memories.

I've had characters on: EQ, EQ2, DAoC, Lineage II, Age of Conan, Warhammer Online, AC (or maybe it was AC2, I forget), Eve, Guild Wars 2, and WoW. Plus two FPS MMOs, Planetside 1 and 2.

Most fun MMO was DAoC, before all the stupid expansions. Had a 50 Lurikeen Ranger, and loved stealthing around in the frontiers. Looking forward to seeing what some of the original dev team does with the crowdsourced Camelot Unchained. I might even contribute to that.

Most boring MMO for me was Eve. I lasted about two months and got sick of all the time spent warping around. Got way too bored and quit.

Planetside 1 was fantastic, I'm not really happy with the direction they went with 2. Bring back the Lodestar! Bring back refueling bases!

Eve is an acquired taste. I played it because a few friends played it. After they quit, I'd just log in and spin my ship in station, then wonder why I'm even subbed anymore and quit. Then a few months later get on because I was wanting to play again and again doing the exact same thing. I've been a part of some seriously major fights, but not in a good way. 1100 ships on the field, something like 30-40 titans and the entire field is 2000km long. People abused the grid mechanics and lagged us out. Nothing we could do, couldn't do anything but move and wait and hope we weren't dead. I think it needs some work...
Planetside 1 was fantastic, I'm not really happy with the direction they went with 2. Bring back the Lodestar! Bring back refueling bases!

Planetside 1 was epic! I LOVED that game. No telling how many hours I spent on it.

I mostly played an infiltrator. I loved cloaking around and nailing people with Spikers, or tossing plasma nades on them from towers (yes, I was a plasma nade whore).

When PS2 came out, I was so ****ed to learn they turned the infiltrator into a SNIPER! WTF!?!?!?

I played PS2 for a little while as a light assault, and it was okay, but nothing like the original PS1. They should have just kept the same game mechanics as PS1 but updated the graphics, and introduced some new base layouts. I haven't logged into PS2 in over six months.

I hope they don't screw up Camelot Unchained. Back when Warhammer Online came out, I was hoping it would be DAOC 2, but it wasn't. Maybe they'll keep some of the original RvR concepts of DAOC without totally screwing it over like so many sequels do.

Damn, I miss PS1 :(
My 10 year old an 7 year old son run their own server... lol they are actually gaining popularity and made a few dollars selling "upgrades"
Planetside 1 was epic! I LOVED that game. No telling how many hours I spent on it.

I mostly played an infiltrator. I loved cloaking around and nailing people with Spikers, or tossing plasma nades on them from towers (yes, I was a plasma nade whore).

When PS2 came out, I was so ****ed to learn they turned the infiltrator into a SNIPER! WTF!?!?!?

I played PS2 for a little while as a light assault, and it was okay, but nothing like the original PS1. They should have just kept the same game mechanics as PS1 but updated the graphics, and introduced some new base layouts. I haven't logged into PS2 in over six months.

I hope they don't screw up Camelot Unchained. Back when Warhammer Online came out, I was hoping it would be DAOC 2, but it wasn't. Maybe they'll keep some of the original RvR concepts of DAOC without totally screwing it over like so many sequels do.

Damn, I miss PS1 :(
Y'know, they made PS1 free to play recently :p the pop was initially pretty okay, nothing like what it used to be, but it was actually pretty fun. Except TR had 75% of the pop and just steamrolled everyone else. I was on VS. NC was like hm...either we band against the TR which is going to kill both of us either way, or we can just fight VS. So they fought us. And we both died.

Loved dropping a fully loaded vanguard out of my lodestar into the courtyard of a base and watching the havoc begin again :p I haven't tried logging in for a month or two now for PS1 but I think it's still free. I have PS2 updated but...ugh. All the guns feel the same. There's none of the charm of PS1 in it anymore imo. I loved parking my lodestar in cover around the bridge fights in the old days, entire squadrons of reavers would come in and repair and rearm, talk tactics, and then take off at once to do a strike. And the experience!

And then dirty infiltrators like you would come along and hack my vehicle and decon it right then and there and just sit back and laugh :lol:
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And then dirty infiltrators like you would come along and hack my vehicle and decon it right then and there and just sit back and laugh :lol:

LOL - Yep. Did that many times :) Playing infil was so much fun. I was really hoping PS2 infil would be similar, but when they changed its role to a sniper and didn't even give it a full-time cloak, that really bummed me out.

As much as I hated darklight, I would deal with it again just to have a PS1 style infil back in the game.

And the TR steamrolling everybody wouldn't bother me, as all my toons were TR :)
Dammit!!! I am the newest victim of the internet making us stupider.
My son showed this to me and now I cant get the chorus out of my head.
I am going to be singing this all day.

Do you like my sword, sword? You cannot afford, ford.

Yeah, thanks. Stuck in my head.
Minecraft for XBOX one comes out today. Heck what's another $20?
Mminecraft isn't a game, it's a platform. And the 'digital Legos' thing is pretty accurate. With minecraft it's about building, not destroying. It's easy to see how a passerby would think its about destroying since that's what you see if you watch for 10 seconds, but those blocks you see being destroyed are actually resources being collected for later builds.

Want to build an iron trap door? Easy, first you need iron. To get that you need a pick (2sticks and 3 wood planks), to get that you need a crafting bench (4 wood planks), to get that you need 2 logs. Once you get the iron you need to smelt it into ingots so you're going to need an oven (8 cobble stone) and something for fuel (coal or charcoal or lava (need an iron bucket for that).

It goes on and on. It's really a game about resources. But that's just playing the game as written. Since it's written in Java it's extremely modifiable and there are legions of mods out there. So, you can play the vanilla game or you can mod it any way you can imagine. Or you can play games. On line or locally. On PCs or on iPads locally. Join massive servers, join a private server (I have one for my boys and I for $17 for 3 months) or have a LAN party.

There's a million different games to play. Just on our own we came up with a Hunger Games theme of a game of attrition. Loads of fun!

I was drawn in initially by the Red Stone. It's an in game mechanic that replicates electricity. You can power contraptions and doors and such, but you can also use it to make all the gates that power electronics. AND gates, NAND gates, OR gates, NOR gates and on and on. People have made massive computers in game using blocks and red stone.

Like I said, Minecraft is a platform where the player can do whatever they like. Those massive builds above are another example of people playing their way.

I just started my second Lets Play series on YouTube. There is real money to be made making videos for others to watch. Pewdepie made $3.5 million last year making videos. Here is my first video of the new series. Just went up.

What the heck? I wait 42 years for a minecraft thread, one comes, I post, and kill it?

With only 5 views on the video I don't think ya'll turned off on account of that.

By the way, the series leans on a current topic of women in gaming and how their in the midst of heavy assault right now. If THAT piques your interest I'd recommend Anita Sarkeesian who published (via a kick starter project) her "Tropes vs. Women in Gaming" series on YouTube. It's worth a watch. To contest her view of misogyny in gaming several individuals have personally attacked her on Twitter with credible threats against her and her family and she is now in hiding. She tweets at @femfreq.

Anyway, MineCraft rocks. Please watch the video if even mildly interested...
You didn't kill the thread for me, just the video doesn't show except for a white space for me! Dunno 'bout the others.
I don't get it. I use the tags [noparse]

Is there a better way to embed video these days?
I don't get it. I use the tags [noparse]

Is there a better way to embed video these days?

The funny thing is it has always appeared on my iPad, I just don't have the band width to watch a half hour of game play, I did get to the part where you were clicking in the options field and decided to leave it as a default world.