I Can't Quit You

The same thing keeps happening to me. Coworkers, boss, employees, customers, even my own wife. They all called me by my real name today. How do we stop this madness ?
Seriously, I can't.

This forum is too important to me. Professionally I can post questions here and get an answer much faster than trolling around my own social network.

But there's more. As mad as I get I have to admit I enjoy the banter and discussion...so, here I am.

So, a little housekeeping is in order. When I stomped out I threw out a line designed to cause pause. Something about advising legal counsel. I admit it was ill thought out and a bit childish. I was angry and still have a perceived grievance towards the management of this forum. Would I try to take legal action? Of course not. It'd be expensive, silly, and I seriously doubt any lawyer or judge would listen to my rant.

Still, I feel slighted and I'm not sure the remedy. Many have said anonymity is bad and an open forum is better. I can agree with that, but what's not fair is changing the rules. If it's anonymous then it should be treated that way. To let someone sign up under the pretense that it's anonymous and then out them....well, doesn't seem fair and that's my only gripe.

To alcohol;

It's a tad related to the above. If I was anonymous then I wouldn't really care that Florida Cracker includes the charge of being a drunk in nearly every post aimed at me. But it's not anonymous and I'm a professional pilot and the charge of being a drunk doesn't really sit well with me. Am I a drunk? No, but being publicly called one IS a sensitive issue for me.


I only tried to block you as a farce when you supported FC. But then, when I was blocked from blocking you...well, that just totally tied into the whole management bending me over theme.

So, there it is. I went sorta over the line with my legal action threat so I'd understand if management banned me or something. For that I'm sorry. It was a moment of rage and I wanted to sting. Maybe it gave pause, maybe not. Either way it was over the line.

Hope ya'll staying warm,


I gave a lot of sorry's there. Think I got any back? No.

So, forum management is fine outing me and not saying a word of apology to me about it. No PM, no post, nothing. Okay, fine.

So, there you are. Anyone who thinks they may be posting anonymously, think again. Turns out the f'ing management here has no problem outing you and then claiming you're a puss, cause hey...'we just outed your FIRST name'. Seriously, that's the stated line. They only outed my FIRST name so it's okay. Forget I have a unique name flying a unique plane. My problem, right??

Never mind I post on SZ an anti religious position and their outing my non-common name coupled with a public database gives my f'ing address....ya know, where my kids sleep. Rest easy that because I don't like Fox News it's okay to put me and my kids lives in the public crosshairs.

Funny? Both my Twitter and Instagram profiles have been followed by multiple middle eastern named men in the past six months.

So, yeah...I'm out...again.

For real...

Good bye....

I mean it...

Okay. Seriously. FC is a piece of **** and I'm out.

Yikes....quoting yourself.

I find this forum entertaining...why???....because it's aviation related....and very entertaining to read the responses of members. The drama is also funny.
Childish....yes...but that's what makes some of the posts so entertaining to read.

Sorry to see Capt go again...:(
I gave a lot of sorry's there. Think I got any back? No.

So, forum management is fine outing me and not saying a word of apology to me about it. No PM, no post, nothing. Okay, fine.

So, there you are. Anyone who thinks they may be posting anonymously, think again. Turns out the f'ing management here has no problem outing you and then claiming you're a puss, cause hey...'we just outed your FIRST name'. Seriously, that's the stated line. They only outed my FIRST name so it's okay. Forget I have a unique name flying a unique plane. My problem, right??

Never mind I post on SZ an anti religious position and their outing my non-common name coupled with a public database gives my f'ing address....ya know, where my kids sleep. Rest easy that because I don't like Fox News it's okay to put me and my kids lives in the public crosshairs.

Funny? Both my Twitter and Instagram profiles have been followed by multiple middle eastern named men in the past six months.

So, yeah...I'm out...again.

For real...

Good bye....

I mean it...

Okay. Seriously. FC is a piece of **** and I'm out.

The same thing keeps happening to me. Coworkers, boss, employees, customers, even my own wife. They all called me by my real name today. How do we stop this madness ?

I know you hide behind "Jeff Wright" on the Internet. But I've got you figured out ....."Jeffrey Wright"
I can sympathize.

I've been outed by people who look at my screen name and have the unmitigated gall to refer to me as "Eddie".

Even worse, some just assume I'm "Fast".

But the final straw was when they further assume my last initial was actually "B"!

Seriously, being outed by what must be vengeful moderators like that is totally unacceptable!
What would be so difficult about management saying "We apologize for that, we didn't know the issues that would cause". Is there some legal thing, or is it a pride thing, or what?

If I said "dude that fat guy is going to die if he keeps eating like that"; and a guy sitting next to me just had a fat friend die, and starts crying, I'd apologize. Did I do anything wrong? Not technically; but if I inadvertently caused angst, I would be sorry for that, and apologize.

A better analogy would be; I'm out somewhere with Mike. I say "Hey Mike, c'mere!" Mike says "DUDE! At this place I'm Pete for my sakes!" I say "dude sorry, I didn't know, I'll call you Pete." I'm 100% confused, but trying to be courteous.

Management; can you be the bigger "person" here and just say you're sorry, regardless of your actual feelings? Would that be bad?
What would be so difficult about management saying "We apologize for that, we didn't know the issues that would cause". Is there some legal thing, or is it a pride thing, or what?

If I said "dude that fat guy is going to die if he keeps eating like that"; and a guy sitting next to me just had a fat friend die, and starts crying, I'd apologize. Did I do anything wrong? Not technically; but if I inadvertently caused angst, I would be sorry for that, and apologize.

A better analogy would be; I'm out somewhere with Mike. I say "Hey Mike, c'mere!" Mike says "DUDE! At this place I'm Pete for my sakes!" I say "dude sorry, I didn't know, I'll call you Pete." I'm 100% confused, but trying to be courteous.

Management; can you be the bigger "person" here and just say you're sorry, regardless of your actual feelings? Would that be bad?

Dude! For Pete's sake, it happened years ago, and he keeps bringing it up. He needs to let it go and move on.
Captain, I think you need to go in for blood work and have your hormone level checked, because you are starting to sound like a chick, and an angry psycho chick at that. Are you doing a Jenner on us? Seriously, this hanging on to history with a grudge is a chick thing, let history go, other wise all it can do is drag down the future.
Captain, I think you need to go in for blood work and have your hormone level checked, because you are starting to sound like a chick, and an angry psycho chick at that. Are you doing a Jenner on us? Seriously, this hanging on to history with a grudge is a chick thing, let history go, other wise all it can do is drag down the future.
Strange! But true.
I notice 'sorry' isn't mentioned.

I know, you've said you can't understand how outing my first name can possibly be an issue.

How about this...

It IS an issue and it shouldn't have happened. How about you own that and say you're sorry. How about...


...it's MY fault, right? You said I came on here 'swinging' so you had to check me out and presumably that led to outing me...

..sorry I MADE you out me.

Still confused? I'm ****ed. Management OUTED me and current members delights in using my name. What's not to understand? Are you dense?

Ahh...colour me shocked. Your "apology" wasn't meant as such, it was meant to jave others apologize to you. Again, did I say I was shocked?
Yikes....quoting yourself.

I find this forum entertaining...why???....because it's aviation related....and very entertaining to read the responses of members. The drama is also funny.
Childish....yes...but that's what makes some of the posts so entertaining to read.

Sorry to see Capt go again...:(

We'll see him back in a week or two. He's too narcissistic to be without the attention for longer than that.
Dude! For Pete's sake, it happened years ago, and he keeps bringing it up. He needs to let it go and move on.

I saw someone include Captain's first name in a post within the past week. That couldn't happen without the earlier outing, which probably makes it harder to forgive and forget.
Seriously, I can't.

This forum is too important to me. Professionally I can post questions here and get an answer much faster than trolling around my own social network.

But there's more. As mad as I get I have to admit I enjoy the banter and discussion...so, here I am.

So, a little housekeeping is in order. When I stomped out I threw out a line designed to cause pause. Something about advising legal counsel. I admit it was ill thought out and a bit childish. I was angry and still have a perceived grievance towards the management of this forum. Would I try to take legal action? Of course not. It'd be expensive, silly, and I seriously doubt any lawyer or judge would listen to my rant.

Still, I feel slighted and I'm not sure the remedy. Many have said anonymity is bad and an open forum is better. I can agree with that, but what's not fair is changing the rules. If it's anonymous then it should be treated that way. To let someone sign up under the pretense that it's anonymous and then out them....well, doesn't seem fair and that's my only gripe.

To alcohol;

It's a tad related to the above. If I was anonymous then I wouldn't really care that Florida Cracker includes the charge of being a drunk in nearly every post aimed at me. But it's not anonymous and I'm a professional pilot and the charge of being a drunk doesn't really sit well with me. Am I a drunk? No, but being publicly called one IS a sensitive issue for me.


I only tried to block you as a farce when you supported FC. But then, when I was blocked from blocking you...well, that just totally tied into the whole management bending me over theme.

So, there it is. I went sorta over the line with my legal action threat so I'd understand if management banned me or something. For that I'm sorry. It was a moment of rage and I wanted to sting. Maybe it gave pause, maybe not. Either way it was over the line.

Hope ya'll staying warm,


He used his OWN name in the first post of this thread....:mad2::mad2::mad2:
Ok, just for the record, I've never told anyone before ... my friend's real name is Karla. Please don't let her know I told you. She would hate me forever.
I saw someone include Captain's first name in a post within the past week. That couldn't happen without the earlier outing, which probably makes it harder to forgive and forget.

look at the first post in this thread
I saw someone include Captain's first name in a post within the past week. That couldn't happen without the earlier outing, which probably makes it harder to forgive and forget.

Then why does he come back poop and leave again? Only to sign on to see what chaos he has caused again.
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Thenwhy does he come back poop and leave again? Only to sign on to see what chaos he has caused again.

Guys, we are putting way to much energy into this but job. Ban him!

The rules don't say you cannot quit, not-quit, quit, not-quit, etc. Banning is not justified. What you can do is "Ignore" or ignore the thread.
He used his OWN name in the first post of this thread....:mad2::mad2::mad2:

Yes that is what makes this whole thing so bizarre to me. I didn't know his first name until this thread that he started. Maybe some others knew his first name but he personally ensured that a whole new cohort of POA members can now have it. And yet he continues to blame other people? Something is not right here.
It appears he and FC got into it in the "Net Neutrality" thread over night.
Captain appears to have poked FC a little (called him an idiot) and FC called "Cameron" drunk.

That seems to be when the wheels came off.

He needs to just stay out of the astrisk astrisk astrisk astrisk astrisk astrisk astrisk spin zone. Nothing good goes on there and it makes people dislike each other that would otherwise get along.
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One thing is certain, he's more than a few french fries short of a happy meal...
I saw someone include Captain's first name in a post within the past week. That couldn't happen without the earlier outing, which probably makes it harder to forgive and forget.

Actually, David White and I PM'ed back and forth about this when it first happened. David showed me that it took him all of about 5 minutes to determine Captain's real name by using the information that Captain had given about himself here. This included (IIRC) where he worked, where he lived, etc. David did the appropriate google search (or was it an FAA database search?) and, Viola, all of Captain's information.

Not defending anyone on either side here, just sayin' that there ain't no anonymity on the interwebs especially if you start releasing details about yourself and Captain had laid down a really nice digital bread crumb trail right back to his real identity.

I was siding with Captain (somewhat) until this last BS "woe is me" post but now my opinion is don't let the door hit you in the ass Captain.

It appears he and FC got into it in the "Net Neutrality" thread over night.
Captain appears to have poked FC a little (called him an idiot) and FC called "Cameron" drunk.

That seems to be when the wheels came off.

He needs to just stay out of the ******* spin zone. Nothing good goes on there and it makes people dislike each other that would otherwise get along.

Bryan, would you edit your post? That is a clear violation of bypassing the obscenity filter.
Diagnostic criteria for 301.81 Narcissistic Personality Disorder


A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fantasy or behavior), need for admiration, and lack of empathy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:

(1) has a grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements)

(2) is preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love

(3) believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people (or institutions)

(4) requires excessive admiration

(5) has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especially favorable treatment or automatic compliance with his or her expectations

(6) is interpersonally exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends

(7) lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others

(8) is often envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her

(9) shows arrogant, haughty behaviors or attitudes

Good luck with that,

James T. Dean


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He used his OWN name in the first post of this thread....:mad2::mad2::mad2:

Oops, you're right; I forgot about that.

However, his role in perpetuating the problem (and the drama!) doesn't mean that I'm glad to see him go. We all have our quirks, and since I appreciate it when people forgive my quirks, I've decided that it's probably a good idea if I forgive others' quirks.

Personally, I don't care how many times he quits and un-quits. As I pointed out to a new pilot that he once temporarily drove off the board, there's no sin in changing your mind.
Dude! For Pete's sake, it happened years ago, and he keeps bringing it up. He needs to let it go and move on.

No one on this board - no one - would know his name was Cameron until he kept bringing it up. Now he's being chased by middle eastern men or something. He's either a real drama queen, or is Brian Williams' older brother.

Unfortunately, now I have a burning need to watch Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
Captain, I think you need to go in for blood work and have your hormone level checked, because you are starting to sound like a chick, and an angry psycho chick at that. Are you doing a Jenner on us? Seriously, this hanging on to history with a grudge is a chick thing, let history go, other wise all it can do is drag down the future.

I knew he needed some FDS!
I saw someone include Captain's first name in a post within the past week. That couldn't happen without the earlier outing, which probably makes it harder to forgive and forget.

Or, the fact that he signed his "Look at me! I'm back, aren't you all glad" with his name?..