I bought a Drone

What is FPV?

First Person View. A camera view from the aircraft linked down to a reciever and viewed by the "pilot" operator on goggles.

He needs a safety observer next to him to maintain line of sight with the aircraft and direct him back if getting to far away.
Greg, they will take action against your PPL (and all others certs if you've got them) for any fpv related violation, likely, just to make a point....

Yes, it's clear that the FAA will hold certificated airmen to a higher standard than the general public, and not just for flying FPV, but for ANY violations of their guidance regarding unmanned aircraft.
It's surprizing how far this has came in the last few years.. In 2008 we were hacking small security cameras and rigging up Pan and Tilt mechanisms and mostly trial and error stuff.. Then came GPS.. And soon after that came my ppl and a full scale Cherokee... Then I sold all the Rc stuff

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