Definitely not a chivette...
What is a poor white man doing in Dallas ?
Most men in Dallas are poor and white.
Dibs on the Tampico.
Nice plane.
I doubt you'll want it by the time he's through with it... At worst, it's going to be scrap metal. At best, you're still gonna have to get the interior reupholstered.
You snagged that off chive. Saw it on "this is the golden years"
Don't deny
I don't know if I am going to fly with him or not. I just flew back from the first EAA meeting and looks like there are lots of opportunities to fly people that don't want to put hings in me.
I had flight following tonight and the laziest guy ever was on the radio.
approach: "So tampico, do you want the weather from Alliance?"
approach: "it is clear below anything you would ever care about"
He must have yawned at least 5 times while talking was funny.
We have 2 A20's in the plane, if I they find my body in the river, Hernandez can have whichever one has the least amount of blood on it.
For what its worth, anyone can fly this plane. It is not hard. But why they made the carb heat a blue knob, I will never know.
Because they are French!
Have you contemplated to fly with a kevlar helmet and a bulletproof vest? You can pretend that it's standard flight gear required by FAA.
It's weird that he mentioned he was white. I wonder what difference he thought that would make?
Man I wish I could find a clip of Steven wright piloting the Cessna in "So I married an ax murderer"
You're not really taking this person for a ride, are you?
The note on the bulletin board sounds like, "for a good time call..." It's not Jenny, is it?
Why not? I would.
Hide a SPOT tracker in your jacket.
For what its worth, anyone can fly this plane. It is not hard. But why they made the carb heat a blue knob, I will never know.
I really was going to meet him and take him up but...
I got his email address and it gets more odd. The name he gave me is male but the email address is the female version of that name and the remainder of the email address is so creepy.
Looking more silence of the lambs every minute.
I am going to have him msg me on facebook "because my email is having issues" and see what's up. Could be completely normal or could be Ed Gein.
I can see it being gray. Definitely a blue-ish hue
I can see it being gray. Definitely a blue-ish hue
Oh nice, it's leather... we may not have to reupholster!
I told you. Guy pretending to be a girl pretending to be a guy. No one listens.