I am legal to fly for another year!!!

Bob Bement

Pattern Altitude
Jun 27, 2005
Vale, Oregon
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Bob Bement
I passed my physical, my INR readings were all good, my 24 hour holter monitor test was ok, my urologist doctor send a letter stating that I was cured of Prostate Cancer after 13 years and a PSA of 0.04. So I am legal to fly for another year on my 3rd class physical. Thank you God, I would hate to hear that my flying days were over. I sweat this time of year. and yes I am on a one year 3rd class medical. But that is ok as long as I can pass I will jump through all of the hoops.
Way to go Bob........
Major congrats, Bob! I'm due sometime this month as well ... crap, this month is already half over! I had better get my appointment made!
Congratulations Bob. I'm just not going to take the risk of losing the LSA option. I think I could pass but I fly for fun and the hassle takes the fun out of it. Still finding a "Sea Daddy" to go with me to make it legal to fly my own plane and looking to trade for an LSA.

Tell your nuke son that Bobby Day said hello. Met his "friend" Jerry Yelverton yesterday and gave him a tour of the new airport terminal building.
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