Final Approach
I was reading a thread about a student who was having a difficult time in the flare and it turns out his instructor wouldn't let him trim on final. Without trimming on final you'll likely bend your firewall really quickly in a 182, 210, 206 etc. Not trimming is only making the work for yourself 10x more difficult than it needs to be. I'm a super tiny woman but I'm not a super large woman either and my CFI said that if I can land my R182 as well as I do there are no excuses for men who can't just because they refuse to trim. Trim really is the not-so-secret secret to flying HP airplanes like the 182.
I fly a 182 and a 421B, trim is your friend on both of them! As for go arounds, after I push the throttle up, my hand is awfully close to the trim wheel in either airplane.