Hypothetical scenario...

Looked like I could remain just south of I-10 and miss much of the problem area. Once airborne (like 5 minutes later), it became evident that this plan wasn't going to work. This was on July 4th and I happened to be the only AC ABQ CTR was handling in my sector. He asked if I could take an alternate route towards Yuma, had me wait a few minutes and then cleared me through ALL restricted airspace between Pima AZ and Yuma. Without that clearance, there was no way I was going anywhere the rest of the day (without an even bigger diversion) as the weather was pinned up against the RA areas.

Um, so you take off, see things are crappy on your proposed route of flight, look at the chart and call the controlling authority for the R space, and they give you the green light. Maybe you have to call FSS too in the air. What does this have to do with FF?

Is the VFR advisory system from ATC being used solely to supplant FSS and the controlling agency for R space? I still don't get it, sorry.
Umm, the "VFR advisory system from ATC" and the "controlling agency for R space" are the same. Look in the margin of your sectional.
Umm, the "VFR advisory system from ATC" and the "controlling agency for R space" are the same. Look in the margin of your sectional.

Um, Sometimes yes, and sometimes no. Neither of which has anything to do with VFR advisories, or FF if you will. It's a controller who can clear you through a cold R space.
Sorry, I have to ask this but I'm not cognizant.

If you are tootling along on top VFR(yes, technically over the top) and things start to fill in below, and you think your destination will be IMC, what is flight following/VFR advisories going to do for you? I presume they can call FSS and get weather/forecast at the destination, but isn't that the pilots job? If you are not on FF, and you see the clouds becoming broken, is FF going to do something for you about that? Recommend a different vector(presuming you are direct destination)? Recommend you descend, recommend you remain VFR, give you a clearance to descend through the layer while VFR(seems illegal to me)? Aside from advising you on conflicts, what is FF responsibility? Declare an emergency for you? I just don't use them often enough to know this stuff.

My recommendation for flight following was addressed to any concerns about Class C/D airspace, not weather.

Bob Gardner
It does happen. For me, about once a year for workload. Workload goes up when the weather sucks.

Center can also turn you loose because they lose radio contact. At low altitude, it really doesn't have to be remote at all. I've lost contact with NorCal flying through the Carquinez Strait (near Vallejo, CA) at 2000.

Closer to your neck of the woods, Seattle Center has no coverage north of KKLS below 5000.

Surely you jest. I trained pilots in the Puget Sound basin for a couple of decades and I know darn well that your statement is not true. It IS true that the Seattle TRACON does most of the work at 4000 and below, but that does not mean that Center has no coverage. Fly up around Bellingham or Port Angeles or the San Juans and you will be talking to Center until they release you to Whidbey Approach. North of Kelso the terrain is essentially flat with mountains to the east and west. Seattle Center is located in Auburn, WA, which is about 20 miles south of Sea-Tac, although they have remote sites.

Bob Gardner