Fearless Tower
Touchdown! Greaser!
I was feeling all bad about my zig-zaggy tracks the other day (no AP in my beast) then I flew a couple hours on the weekend in an a/c with an AP and found myself wondering how folks stay awake while using george! I think I need the stimulus of working the yoke in a piston plane to avoid somnolence.
That is one of the biggest problems with auto-pilots.
The A/P (modern ones at least) will almost always be able to fly the airplane better than a human and with greater precision.
The problem, however, is that as alot of human factors studies have shown - humans notoriously bad at 'monitoring' things compared to actually doing them and 'monitoring' is exactly what auto-pilot flying is all about.
The current challenge in the avionics and cockpit design world these days is trying to develop effective displays to reduce the chance of errors or overlooked indications by the monitoring pilot.