Pre-takeoff checklist
Within aviation there is a big push on human factors training. During my years in aviation I have attended many accident courses and each class attended had a human factor section. The reason for this is human factors plays into every thing in life we do especially aviation accidents, piloting and maintenance. Doctor Scott Shappell has studied and written many books and articles on human factors and I have noticed even Dr. Phill from the TV show has done so also. Dr. Phill wrote Ten Life Laws and I have found the first law to fit in our aviation world.
Life Law #1: You either get it, or you don't.
Become one of those who gets it.
“It's easy to tell these people apart. Those who "get it" understand how things work and have a strategy to create the results they want. Those who don't are stumbling along looking puzzled, and can be found complaining that they never seem to get a break.
You must do what it takes to accumulate enough knowledge to "get it." You need to operate with the information and skills that are necessary to win. Be prepared, tune in, find out how the game is played and play by the rules.
In designing a strategy and getting the information you need about yourself, people you encounter, or situations be careful from whom you accept input. Wrong thinking and misinformation can seal your fate before you even begin.”
Here on the forum I find many those of us are willing to discuss and argue points back and forth because we want to get it. We may not always agree, but the discussion is apparent we are willing to talk about it because we want to learn.
I sometimes will post messages to that may create discussion as in “swinging compasses”. I have to wonder how many were educated about compass roses surveys, radios, proper tooling and experience required to perform the compass swing.
Yes, the compass is a simple instrument it may seem like a minor instrument today with GPS and other navigation stuff in aircraft, but nonetheless it is still required. What I was surprised was the out cry of from some wanting to tack my butt to the wall and have me fired from my day job, threatening to contact their congress person, or APOA go after me and my day job. As Dr. Phill stated you either get it or not. I would hope this Forum doesn’t turn into a shark fest because you may not agree with an argument.
Forums are designed to educate and have discussions as part of the learning process. You can agree or disagree, but please no personal attacks or threats just provide your arguments.
As always just one man’s opinion and nothing more you can agree or disagree. Thanks for your consideration. I hope someday we can all sit down and have a beer together.
Merry Christmas to all.
Life Law #1: You either get it, or you don't.
Become one of those who gets it.
“It's easy to tell these people apart. Those who "get it" understand how things work and have a strategy to create the results they want. Those who don't are stumbling along looking puzzled, and can be found complaining that they never seem to get a break.
You must do what it takes to accumulate enough knowledge to "get it." You need to operate with the information and skills that are necessary to win. Be prepared, tune in, find out how the game is played and play by the rules.
In designing a strategy and getting the information you need about yourself, people you encounter, or situations be careful from whom you accept input. Wrong thinking and misinformation can seal your fate before you even begin.”
Here on the forum I find many those of us are willing to discuss and argue points back and forth because we want to get it. We may not always agree, but the discussion is apparent we are willing to talk about it because we want to learn.
I sometimes will post messages to that may create discussion as in “swinging compasses”. I have to wonder how many were educated about compass roses surveys, radios, proper tooling and experience required to perform the compass swing.
Yes, the compass is a simple instrument it may seem like a minor instrument today with GPS and other navigation stuff in aircraft, but nonetheless it is still required. What I was surprised was the out cry of from some wanting to tack my butt to the wall and have me fired from my day job, threatening to contact their congress person, or APOA go after me and my day job. As Dr. Phill stated you either get it or not. I would hope this Forum doesn’t turn into a shark fest because you may not agree with an argument.
Forums are designed to educate and have discussions as part of the learning process. You can agree or disagree, but please no personal attacks or threats just provide your arguments.
As always just one man’s opinion and nothing more you can agree or disagree. Thanks for your consideration. I hope someday we can all sit down and have a beer together.
Merry Christmas to all.