At about 85 hours including 18 XC, with a little right and back seat time in some high performance and hp + complex aircraft over the last months, and I think it is time. My club has a couple 182RGs for about $146/hr wet, and my CFI and I went over the ground stuff. I obtained a POH, made my checklists (and marked / edited / reprinted from CFI comments).
Instructor said to expect about 5 hours of dual to get the endorsements, after which I will have access to PIC some other aircraft, not to mention keeping things interesting!
I won't be able to rent 'em solo until I have 200 hours total time and IR, but that is fine with me. I am looking forward to cutting time off of my family trips eventually!
I am a little apprehensive about an aircraft that beefy and do not expect the transition to be easy. I am studying the POH and the chapter in the AFH particular to the subject (not to mention my newly constructed checklists) to make the transition hopefully go a little better.
Any tips? While I understand that not everyone thinks getting this endorsement this early is a good idea, I am ok with it. I have no intention to stuff my family in the back and fly on a trip until I get a lot more experience. I still plan on taking passengers and other pilots in 172 XCs while I am building experience.
Pretty exciting!
Instructor said to expect about 5 hours of dual to get the endorsements, after which I will have access to PIC some other aircraft, not to mention keeping things interesting!
I won't be able to rent 'em solo until I have 200 hours total time and IR, but that is fine with me. I am looking forward to cutting time off of my family trips eventually!
I am a little apprehensive about an aircraft that beefy and do not expect the transition to be easy. I am studying the POH and the chapter in the AFH particular to the subject (not to mention my newly constructed checklists) to make the transition hopefully go a little better.
Any tips? While I understand that not everyone thinks getting this endorsement this early is a good idea, I am ok with it. I have no intention to stuff my family in the back and fly on a trip until I get a lot more experience. I still plan on taking passengers and other pilots in 172 XCs while I am building experience.
Pretty exciting!