Touchdown! Greaser!
A friend has acquired a Howard DCA-15P and is in the middle of an annual inspection with the help of an AI who has never seen a Howard before. One area of confusion is how to set the tension in the control cables for ailerons and flaps, both of which are moved via steel cables (wire rope). There is one turnbuckle in each of the cables running from one wing to the other (one for flaps and one for ailerons) as well as one in the cable that runs from the actuator near the firewall to the right flap, and one in the aileron cable running from the yoke to the right wing. The diagram for the cables indicates that the tension in the two overhead flap cables is supposed to be 100 +- 10 lbs. The flap cables attached to the actuator are marked 125 lbs (up) and 40 lbs (down). All aileron cables are marked 50 lbs.
A number of questions have come up:
1> How can you have 125 lbs in the flaps up cable just aft of the actuator and only 100 where the same cable passes over the top of the cabin?
2> Assuming that the unbalanced weight of the flaps produces some tension on the up flaps cables, how could you get equal tension in the two overhead flap cables given that one carries the weight of two flaps and the other only one?
3> Do the flaps have local stops? IOW is there something that limits flap travel (either direction) at the flap itself or is the travel controlled soley by the actuator. BTW you should see the sender for flap position. It's an electric fuel gauge sender!
4> If there are local stops for the flaps, should the tension be set when the flaps are against the up stops?
5> The tension in the aileron cables seems to be different, and this makes sense to me since the crossover cable carries the weight of both ailerons, and the actuator cable to the right wing carries none if both ailerons generate the same torque force.
Any insight into how this is supposed to be done would be greatly appreciated by my friend (and I might get to fly this rare bird if I help figure it out).
A number of questions have come up:
1> How can you have 125 lbs in the flaps up cable just aft of the actuator and only 100 where the same cable passes over the top of the cabin?
2> Assuming that the unbalanced weight of the flaps produces some tension on the up flaps cables, how could you get equal tension in the two overhead flap cables given that one carries the weight of two flaps and the other only one?
3> Do the flaps have local stops? IOW is there something that limits flap travel (either direction) at the flap itself or is the travel controlled soley by the actuator. BTW you should see the sender for flap position. It's an electric fuel gauge sender!
4> If there are local stops for the flaps, should the tension be set when the flaps are against the up stops?
5> The tension in the aileron cables seems to be different, and this makes sense to me since the crossover cable carries the weight of both ailerons, and the actuator cable to the right wing carries none if both ailerons generate the same torque force.
Any insight into how this is supposed to be done would be greatly appreciated by my friend (and I might get to fly this rare bird if I help figure it out).