How y'all keeping in shape?

THere is something really wrong with your link.
It is a little weird. When I click on the link on my windows 10 desktop, brings up a tab at the bottom with a link to a .mov file. I click that and "open" and there is the video.
I will try it on my iphone in a minute.

edit: nope. Doesn't work on the iphone.
oh well. It was a video describing in very nerdy detail all the twisting and pulling benefits of opening a bottle of wine.
Seems to be some beer floating around here too. Some of my best is gone though.

I did cut a tree down yesterday, branches & firewood cleanup today.

This whole gym closure thing is happening at an exceptionally bad time. The record cold and rain here severely limits outdoor exercise. I guess I could go do a burger ride and risk being dumped on, but I don't need to catch a cold right now.
Potato chips. The package says gluten free so it must be healthy, right?

I have a Precor elliptical in the hangar. I use it 6 days a week.
I might have to mow the lawn every other day. If I bag it I can get quite a few miles in from all the walking back and forth. But if I mow it often enough, then bagging doesn't do me much better than mulching.

I managed to get in 3 miles worth of fresh air and exercise yesterday with my lawnmower. I also found out that I forgot to repair the trimmer last fall so I ordered a new carb vs spending the time and effort of taking it apart to clean it and then have to replace gaskets and the primer bulb anyway. At least Amazon is still open.
I might have to mow the lawn every other day. If I bag it I can get quite a few miles in from all the walking back and forth. But if I mow it often enough, then bagging doesn't do me much better than mulching.

I managed to get in 3 miles worth of fresh air and exercise yesterday with my lawnmower. I also found out that I forgot to repair the trimmer last fall so I ordered a new carb vs spending the time and effort of taking it apart to clean it and then have to replace gaskets and the primer bulb anyway. At least Amazon is still open.
I figured you would get plenty of exercise from meat lifting. :D:D
I’m in shape. Pear is a shape...

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I’m glad I did all that yard work yesterday. The city says they won’t be picking up any more yard waste. I guess I can rent a chipper for the tree limbs I have bundled for pickup. The grass clippings I guess I can compost. Normally I mulch when I mow, but that first mowing of the year is always too heavy, thick, and wet so I bagged it.
Riding my bicycle when the weather cooperates and walking my dog four times a day rain or shine.
Not like this

The county decided to close all the parks. Then they relented on some of them, but not the Silver Comet trail. WTF? It’s a 61.5 mile long paved PATH trail. My riding on there for the past several years qualifies for what is now called “social distancing”. I give people plenty of space, largely as I’m doing 20+ mph and clipped to the bike; neither of us would like a collision. :eek:

Yeah, I rode. Just a short 15 mile ride. I saw dozens of people during that ride. They thought it just as ridiculous I as did.
That had better be a pizza and not a pastry. Because you know how I feel about donut cutting.
Sounds like a philosophical quandary in the making...
  • A pastry is a dough of flour, water and fat.
  • Pizza crust is a dough of flour, water and sometimes fat (olive oil).
  • Pie is a pastry.
  • Pizza is often referred to as a pie.
Mtb riding is wide open in rural america... nobody is giving each other high fives or hugs.
But lots of riders. Surprising amount.
Haven't gone down hard yet, but I'd bet if it happens they would roll you to the nearest road with a really long stick and leave you with a heart felt long distance, "good bye!"
Sounds like a philosophical quandary in the making...
  • A pastry is a dough of flour, water and fat.
  • Pizza crust is a dough of flour, water and sometimes fat (olive oil).
  • Pie is a pastry.
  • Pizza is often referred to as a pie.

I've never heard pizza referred to as a pie west of Ohio. But concur on the other points.
Lots of walking, preferably with some hills. Got free weights around the house, which is part of my usual strength training routine anyway. I miss the cycling and rowing machines in the college gym for cardio, though. With spring arriving, I'm not even getting show shoveling exercise now.
;) I'm adopting the "conserve heartbeats" philosophy. Since it is a fact that we all have a fixed number of them (don't know for sure how many I have left), figure I'll conserve what I have left by kicking back and relaxing.;)
Richard Simmons was considered to be a stud in his day. Just sayin'
I like to include a burger element in my bike rides to keep things reward based. There are two major venues:

1. A ride to the north when winds are light or northerly (I hate riding home on a headwind.) Habit Burger is open but the dining area (including the patio) is closed. So, I eat my burger on the sidewalk like a puppy dog. Woof.

2. An east-west ride, culminating with the drive through at Carl's Jr. Since I don't really want to mix it up with the bums, I tape my bag to the handlebars and ride to a park along the way home to eat.

This is kind of getting old. Already. And here we are in April, still with unseasonably record cold weather.
Been doing a quick 15 to 20 minute ride on the MTB at lunch each day, but I'm pretty limited to a gravel service road road on top of the flood dike about a 1/2 mile from the house. Ride a mile down the road and back, so roughly 3 miles round trip. Got startled the other day by a water moccasin (cottonmouth) when I was riding around the vehicle gate (which is right next to some big rip rap/rocks). I didn't see him until he was crawling down into the rocks, but he was sunning on the rocks less than 3' from where I crossed through. Glad he decided to crawl into safety rather than strike, I would have been screwed, lol.
On Thursday I wasted my time by walking to the store 3 miles away because my wife wanted Kiwis. Friday I was more productive and stayed home and watched "Dr Strangelove."
Been mostly walking around the village and campus. Saturday it was cold enough for ice and I climbed the ski hill (900 ft vertical), but now it's above freezing again and muddy as heck so that's out. Mud season generally lasts through mid-April here. Might dry out earlier this year though, as our snowpack wasn't as deep.
@Sac Arrow What do you do for a doughnut reward and a cut doughnut reward? LOL

A lot more than I have to do for a lettuce wrapped burger reward for sure. Apple fritters and fruit filled Danish are my weakness, when I go there. I can generally pass up toroidal confectionaries just fine.
Just made a homemade barbell that’s roughly 30lbs. Not very heavy, but it’s at least enough to maintain.

I feel like I’m doing inmate style things now LOL... tough times call for tough measures. ;)
