How to unlock a door?

Too late, but interesting to watch.

Bosnian Bill is awesome. Of course, once you watch his videos and realize what complete crap 99% of normal locks are, then you start to think about buying better ones.

Then you realize your house has windows and it doesn't matter in the slightest.

I particularly like seeing how many seconds it takes him to open a Master padlock. Usually three is enough.

Here's hoping that @SixPapaCharlie replaced that stupid lockable interior door handle with a normal one. I'd never let a small human headed for teenage years, living off of my dime, to lock their door. Want a lockable door? Get older, and move out. :)
Why punch it with semtex when you can remove it with anfo?

A small amount of ammonium nitrate might be hard for a city boy to buy. Instead of semtex or anfo it would be easier (but certainly not as much fun) to use strike anywhere match heads, chap stick and a 9 volt battery. Plus the house will still be livable after the door is opened.

But it was a hypothetical situation so all talk of homemade explosives is just for entertainment value.....:yesnod::lol::lol:
Then you realize your house has windows and it doesn't matter in the slightest.

Even worse, most windows have rocks near them.

If I'm going to illegally enter a house with intent to steal, I am going to spend as little time as possible outside of the house and in view of any potential witnesses (not that I'd ever illegally enter a house).

Now if my motivation were to do the opposite, that is enter the house, deposit something like a bug or hidden camera and then exit undetected then the whole lock picking thing might be worthwhile.
Easier to get into the car in the driveway and push the garage door opener button. LOL.
Easier to get into the car in the driveway and push the garage door opener button. LOL.
If I had to leave my car in the driveway because I couldn't park in the garage then why would I leave an opener in the car?
If I had to leave my car in the driveway because I couldn't park in the garage then why would I leave an opener in the car?

People do it all the time. We had neighbors in the city who had their garages so crammed full of crap they couldn't park in the garage but would walk in via their garage. We also had a number of neighbors who had more cars than they used on a normal day, and they were often parked outside and all had garage door access. Or the kid's cars, which had the "extra clicker" in them or were programmed to open the garage door because it was mom"s old car, and the kids would use the garage as the way to enter, and if you watched even one time, you'd see that they never locked the interior door into the house.

I used to watch this stupidity when I lived in the city. Our upstairs windows had a lovely view from the bedroom of the whole street other than one house behind our giant fir tree. It was entertaining.

The best was the guy who drained the oil on his Toyota, filled it, and then realized he needed to take the used motor oil somewhere to dispose of it. So he tried to put the oil pan in the passenger seat. And slipped. Because, you know, draining it into something sealable would slow him down, or something.

So... he dumped it in the passenger seat instead. Those particular neighbors were not good neighbors and I really had to stifle it and not laugh so loud he could hear me through my closed windows... they were sealed well, but not as well as how hard I wanted to laugh.

When I told the other neighbor who didn't like him either what he did a few days later, I thought I was going to have to go find him an AED he was laughing so hard, he couldn't catch his breath.

Definitely don't miss any of that city life crap. LOL.
I was out of town at a business meeting a few years ago. Walked to my car and threw my suit jacket in back with the keys in the pocket. The key had that proximity device that detects when the key is near the car to unlock. Little did I realize that the car would be locked if the car detected the keys inside the car. Called a locksmith and he tried and couldn't pick the lock. He asked if I could get a clear picture of a spare key. I sent my buddy to my house and he texted a picture of the spare car key. Locksmith made a spare from the picture and got me back in the car. Several hours after my adventure began I was on the road home with an expensive lesson learned. What's the saying? An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
The best was the guy who drained the oil on his Toyota, filled it, and then realized he needed to take the used motor oil somewhere to dispose of it. So he tried to put the oil pan in the passenger seat. And slipped. Because, you know, draining it into something sealable would slow him down, or something.

That's some real genius there...
If I had to leave my car in the driveway because I couldn't park in the garage then why would I leave an opener in the car?
Because I choose the keep my valuable crap in the garage and keep the suv outside which actually will benefit from the protection

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This has to be the funniest non helpful thread ever. Congrats all around.
I am disappointed when someone said drill a hole in the door and no one thought of a gloryhole. I heard about them once in a book..
I have the same lockable door handle on the door to my personal room. Had to. The wife and kids used to constantly steal my toothpaste, tp, socks, snacks, etc. Now that you've shown them how to gain entry I'm screwed.
This has to be the funniest non helpful thread ever. Congrats all around.
I am disappointed when someone said drill a hole in the door and no one thought of a gloryhole. I heard about them once in a book..
A popup book?
Here's hoping that @SixPapaCharlie replaced that stupid lockable interior door handle with a normal one. I'd never let a small human headed for teenage years, living off of my dime, to lock their door. Want a lockable door? Get older, and move out. :)

Former owners had locks on almost all of the doors.
Even the pantry had a lock on it. Closets had locks.
Get this. No 2 doors in the house (interior or exterior) had the same lock.
Back door, front door, garage entry, all had different locks.

When we closed on the house and went to get the keys Eren and I were both like WTF when they gave us an envelope with 20 keys in it.
The people that lived there were totally nuts though. I could write a book about dealing with them when buying the house.

You know you want it...
Former owners had locks on almost all of the doors.
Even the pantry had a lock on it. Closets had locks.
Get this. No 2 doors in the house (interior or exterior) had the same lock.
Back door, front door, garage entry, all had different locks.

When we closed on the house and went to get the keys Eren and I were both like WTF when they gave us an envelope with 20 keys in it.
The people that lived there were totally nuts though. I could write a book about dealing with them when buying the house.

Sounds like the former owners ran a certain...umm... "side business"?
I will try a driver's lic. but the door opens in to the room so there is a 90 degree bend on the side we are on.
I locked myself out of my apartment once in college.. locksmith wanted something like $600 because it was late night, around midnight

The door opened inward so there was a similar 90 degree bend to contend with that you mention. The license was too stiff and could not make the bend, but I had a grocery loyalty card, I think Shaws actually. I never liked Shaws so didn't mind sacrificing it. There was still too much friction however, so a friend down the hall lent us some lubricant.. that worked miraculously well and I was in after about 10 minutes
I have a keyed entry on my home office. At times we have the house full of guests and I need a place to get away from the circus.
Because I choose the keep my valuable crap in the garage and keep the suv outside which actually will benefit from the protection

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk

Insurance won't cover if you leave the crap outside in a storm. The car? Covered. LOL.

I have the same lockable door handle on the door to my personal room. Had to. The wife and kids used to constantly steal my toothpaste, tp, socks, snacks, etc. Now that you've shown them how to gain entry I'm screwed.

Um, why are your kids stealing your socks? ;)

I have a keyed entry on my home office. At times we have the house full of guests and I need a place to get away from the circus.

Invited the wrong guests? ;)
Former owners had locks on almost all of the doors.
Even the pantry had a lock on it. Closets had locks.
Get this. No 2 doors in the house (interior or exterior) had the same lock.
Back door, front door, garage entry, all had different locks.

When we closed on the house and went to get the keys Eren and I were both like WTF when they gave us an envelope with 20 keys in it.
The people that lived there were totally nuts though. I could write a book about dealing with them when buying the house.
Our house in Destin was a little like that when we bought it, two outside deadbolts were battery key pads, with different codes and NO keys, one was on a door with no other access. The former owner still lives in town, he came over and unlocked it when the battery went dead, but wouldn't give me the key, because it fit one of his other properties as well! I am not a damn criminal!! He had two different alarm codes, one for upstairs and one for downstairs, on the other locks the key for the lock was different than the deadbolt, one key would open the door lock only and the other would open the door and the deadbolt! After the battery dying again on the same lock, I had it drilled and now we've replaced all the locks with matching keys!
Former owners had locks on almost all of the doors.
Even the pantry had a lock on it. Closets had locks.
Get this. No 2 doors in the house (interior or exterior) had the same lock.
Back door, front door, garage entry, all had different locks.

When we closed on the house and went to get the keys Eren and I were both like WTF when they gave us an envelope with 20 keys in it.
The people that lived there were totally nuts though. I could write a book about dealing with them when buying the house.

A friend of mine who is now an empty nester but still lives in a very large 4 bedroom house recently got into the airbnb business. He just put keyed door locks on two of the bedrooms that he is going to use for airbnb plus his bedroom and den. I believe they are all keyed different from one another. Sometimes there is a reason.
I would just slide the key under the door.

but......that's not near as fun as ordering 10,000 termites and having them instantly delivered by drone, pouring them on the door and watching it disappear before your very eyes.

good thing you found that extra door in the attic.
If I'm going to illegally enter a house with intent to steal, I am going to spend as little time as possible outside of the house and in view of any potential witnesses (not that I'd ever illegally enter a house).

So, my mother (suffering from dementia) was living with my sister and family. She and the husband were going out for the evening and asked me to come by and watch mom and take her to dinner. No big deal. I couldn't get out of work early so the deal was that my sister would leave the front door open and leave a key on the inside stairs so I could take mom out for dinner when I got there. I get there, and for some reason my mom had locked the door. I can see the key on the stairs inside. Great. I bang on the door, mom comes over and I ask her to let me in. She can't figure out how to unlock the door. I try detailed instructions - yelling and pantomiming. I try calling her on the phone. She doesn't answer. I call my sister's cell. no answer. Probably spent 1/2 hour on the front porch yelling through the door. On a busy street.

Then I get a bright idea. The button to open the garage door is in the attached garage right next to the door to the family room. "Mom! Go push the garage door button." "OK". She goes into the garage. Does not press the button. Now this is just before Christmas, temperature is in the 30's. Mom is not wearing a coat. Garage is not heated.

I am now going back and forth between the front door and garage door (I can see the door between the house and garage from the front door). Yelling at my mom through the garage door, telling her to just go back in the house. She keeps saying "OK" and I can hear her bumping into things in the garage (the light is not on). But, instead of going into the house, she closes the door. Now, she is in the garage, in the dark, freezing weather, etc. I have to get in now. I go around the whole house looking for a door or window that I can get in. No luck.

At this point, it's been close to an hour. I've called and texted my sister several times. I'm running out of options. The front door has a little grid of windows. I have to get in and get mom out of the garage. It can't cost that much to replace one of those little panes of glass.

First I try an ice scraper. I'm standing on the front porch flailing away at the glass as traffic goes by on the street. All I break is the ice scraper. Think. What do I have? Lug Wrench.

That effing glass is really hard to break. Instead I see wood from the door go flying. Well, I don't want to wreck the front door. So I try around back.

Force a screen door open, and WAM, WAM, SMASH - oops - thermopane. SMASH. I'm in. Glass all over. But I can get mom out of the garage.

Now, I need some duct tape and plastic to cover the former window so I can take mom out to dinner. One last call to my sister to let her know what happened in case they come back while we are gone. I dial, and I hear a phone ring in the kitchen. Well, that solves the "why didn't she answer" mystery. So, I find her phone, scroll down through the contacts to find her husband and dial him. "Sweety?" he answers in a somewhat confused sounding voice. "No it's me. I need some duct tape and plastic." "What for?" So I give him the whole story - he is laughing his ass off, but tells me where to find the tape / plastic.

I clean up, and take mom to dinner.

But, all in all, I spent at least an hour outside the house, yelling, banging, flailing away with an ice scraper and tire iron until I finally broke in. No one stopped. No one called the police. So, I wouldn't worry about having to be in a hurry to break in if you want to do that sort of thing.
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If you bring all of your locks to Home Depot, they will reject all of them to the same key. $5 a lock.