How to find a partial ownership deal

Josh Parker

Filing Flight Plan
Oct 26, 2018
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I am currently getting PPL (15.5 in so far) and renting from the school (part61). Shortly after I'll be switching to a 141 school to begin IFR training paid for by G.I.Bill. At that point I want to look at ownership options. Do I just hang out around FBO's and ask around? Is there a site just for this? I'm currently in Louisville, KY. (KLOU) But will switch to Lexington KY (KLEX) for IFR. I live right next to KFFT frankfort ky, which is most ideal, but really small.
Post a partnership wanted ad on the local airport bulletin boards or on Barnstormers. If you see someone tooling around an airplane that interest you it doesn't hurt to go up to them and ask.
Posted on the soda machine in the FBO ;-)

Go around the local airports. Ask whether they have a bulletin board and check for postings that haven't completely turned to dust yet. Also, wander into a maintenance shop and ask the IA. Ask flight instructors, they often know the local partnerships from doing recurrent training with the shareholders.

You would think that co-ownerships lend themselves to a centralized internet marketplace, but they dont. There was an outfit the 'aircraft partnership association' that ran a website to facilitate this. It never really took off, not sure whether it was a function of the market or the clunky website interface they used. AOPA bought it, managed to make the website even clunkier and watched it wither away over a period of 2 years or so. Eventually they pulled the plug.
Post a wanted ad here, on the AOPA board and on the web board for whatever type you are interested in. I found one partnership through a 'for sale' ad someone posted on beechtalk. The other one the airport manager told me 'hey doc, wouldn't that be something for you, I think those guys are looking to replace a partner'.
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I came from the other side, having already owned the plane but wanting to get partners to lesson costs. I basically started asking CFI's and talking to other pilots which leads to people that may be open to partnership. I basically followed up on those leads personally. Without placing a single ad, I easily found 2 partners.

I would also have no objections to someone contacting me. Nothing may come of it, but is always worth the conversation.

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I seem to see a lot of these opportunities for partial ownership on Craigslist.