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Exciting times! Cheap labor! Walmart will be joyous! Shorter shipping fees. The President is acting like kissenger and his China program. It worked! Cheap labor! maybe we can even send the mob back to open a few casinos!
Why was this not started in Spin Zone, where politics belong?
Why was this not started in Spin Zone, where politics belong?

I need ot apologize, Bill. Sometimes I can't see that well on the little iPad screen, and thought I did post it there.

Please forgive my oversight....

I need ot apologize, Bill. Sometimes I can't see that well on the little iPad screen, and thought I did post it there.

Please forgive my oversight....


Merry Christmas and happy new year to you, too....
Heey it is only nice people out here, take it to the other side of the tracks.:lol:
And have a happy solstice, may your bonfire burn bright(and all your old tires) and may spring come soon.:yesnod:
No complaints here. In a world with an aggressive and desparate Russia, we don't need another cuban missle crisis. Take that island away from putin. And the best part is we dont have to use tanks and troops, instead america can invade cuba with walmart and costco.
No complaints here. In a world with an aggressive and desparate Russia, we don't need another cuban missle crisis. Take that island away from putin. And the best part is we dont have to use tanks and troops, instead america can invade cuba with walmart and costco.

This really belongs in the spin zone with all the other far right crap. We blockaded Cuba for 50 years with no effect. that's the definition of insanity. If your thesis is that we should not have relations with dictatorships or countries that mistreat their people, then we should also cut off relations with China, Saudi Arabia, and others.
This really belongs in the spin zone with all the other far right crap. We blockaded Cuba for 50 years with no effect. that's the definition of insanity. If your thesis is that we should not have relations with dictatorships or countries that mistreat their people, then we should also cut off relations with China, Saudi Arabia, and others.

I'm cool with that.

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