So you're willing to put the engine squarely in the red box on a cold day here, and can also ignore the auto-lean effect, if you have to do an early power reduction that takes the WOT enrichening feature of most carbs out of the loop?
You also trust the induction system is so even to all cylinders, without an engine monitor, that they're all operating at peak lean or richer, by setting peak RPM?
I'm not quite that trusting, especially on an O-470... Which I understand isn't the engine the OP will be flying behind on a Skyhawk.
A hard fast rule to be at peak RPM has the potential to cause engine damage on a cold day here, since we're often in that zone of higher power being produced that leads to "red box" performance numbers.
On a hot day, I can live with your technique. Not going to produce enough power to hurt anything no matter where you put the red knob. It'll quit before you hurt it.
Colder weather, it's getting a tweak toward the rich side, if I'm paying for the overhaul. Full rental power on a cold day here is fine, if you're not buying the engine parts.
IMHO, peak RPM isn't always where you want to be. Gotta think about power level that's going to be produced and be smart about it. I doubt it's more than 100' of runway different, if anything at all that's consistently reproducible. I'd be willing to gather data if it's hot out, but since we're well into colder weather, it'll have to wait until next summer unless someone wants to go flog someone else's engine and report back.