How much does HIMS cost for 121?


Filing Flight Plan
Jan 8, 2022
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If you go through HIMS through your 121 company, about how much does it cost on average? How much does the participant end up paying? And how does the participant earn money while out on leave--another job?
Totally depends on the company...

Delta - costs nothing. But they are the worst in the industry for supporting pilots in it.

American - probably costs the pilot 30 percent? Some companies about half? Hiccups are the pilots problem, you don’t just get fired.

United somewhere in between, but VERY lifestyle invasive.

NO MATTER the company, you are well advised to steer clear of these amateur run control scams. If you get cancer would you trust a doctor the company hired without so much as a second opinion? THAT is precisely the situation.

If you are 121 and being approached by these folks... take a medical leave of absence and hire a REAL lawyer. Steer clear of ALPA and APA (AMAS).
Oh, most places you’ll earn about 50 percent while out. Delta you’ll earn about 90 percent for a year, then about 50 percent?

In their programs you will be very hard pressed to work another job.
Oh, most places you’ll earn about 50 percent while out. Delta you’ll earn about 90 percent for a year, then about 50 percent?

In their programs you will be very hard pressed to work another job.

What about medical records? Are you now on the hook for lying on your medical that you had not abused alcohol in the last two years if you actually had? Or is it an “amnesty” of sorts?
You’ve lost me?

Another thing to consider with airline hims is the falsification of a DSM 5 diagnosis. It’s THAT diagnosis you don’t want, and likely don’t need. Going to rehab to satiate an administrative criteria shouldn’t mess up other aspects of your life UNLESS it actually fits.

I know of only ONE case where a guy signed a waiver that his rehab was not medically necessary, which in his case it wasn’t. The catch was that he was paying out of pocket, a thing most 121 types are WAY to cheap to do... that is how they get bogus diagnoses.
United pays the whole freight twice. It's the third time where in you're not fired, but you pay or get fired.

Yeah it interferes with your drug and alcohol lifestyle. That's the idea....
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