Isolated and Scattered I'll deal with if I'm VMC or have actual radar. If I'm IMC, the student wants to be IMC or I have to be IMC and no radar it's a GIANT NO!!!. I get the , "We have ADS-B or We can use ATC/FSS" or the "I'm tired of waiting all day to not fly because your to picky" during training. In the airline it's the passengers complaining.
I've actually almost had a blanket party on a crew I commuted on. The two pilots almost had 10 pilots and their flight attendants about to beat them for taking off through a squall line.
Here's a question I always have regarding insuring VMC...
Lets assume the following:
-Convective SIGMET Outlook active
-Cloud bases 2,000ft OVC AGL in general area of airport
-No PIREPS regarding cloud tops
-Area forecast calls for tops at 5,000ft with occasional tops to FL30 (where there would be convective activty in those areas)
How do I know for sure I can stay VMC? Would you launch IFR and climb until you are out of the layer and turn back if you don't pop out of the clouds at 5 or 6 thousand? Or not launch at all because I can't safely stay below the layer?