How many work from home?

Heh. You need to work for a greedier "non-profit". I don't suppose the Komen Foundation is hiring? They're never at a loss for budget. ;)

Ha! Yeah, we are not a greedy one. We're small. Trying to change that some, but not looking to be Komen-huge. My background isn't non-profits per se, but mental health, so that's why I'm here.

I think that is a HIPAA violation to put the patient name and the physician name in the clear. Just knowing that much information is enough to jump to some conclusions about the patient.

For example, Dr. A specializes in gender reassignment and Patient B has had 75 appointments with Dr. A. What is happening here?

Yeah, I would not feel comfortable having the client's name showing. And mental health records are treated differently than other types of health records. There's even more restrictions on them, due to the sensitive nature. And, beyond HIPAA, our license requires us to keep confidentiality for our clients, so we have to honor that as well.
No work from home allowed at my organization. I wouldn't do it very often given the hands-on engineering work we do, but there are times where I could make it work if the option was available. Sadly the government workers here are regularly encouraged to telework for a variety of good reasons, but the contract we are on expressly forbids it. Makes no sense.
Working From home in the summer w/ kids out of school means keeping them entertained and still working.

This beats the office any day :)

Right now we have one hand-written appointment book, so we have to be there to literally answer the phones and right the info in the book. We're old school. When we have 2 offices to schedule for, though, I'll have to have something online. Waiting till next year's budget kicks in to pay for that though.

Google is your friend. We've used Google Calendar for our business for years. You could set one up for each office, then have them jointly accessible and color-coded for each office. Since it's free, it would fit in this year's budget!
Google is your friend. We've used Google Calendar for our business for years. You could set one up for each office, then have them jointly accessible and color-coded for each office. Since it's free, it would fit in this year's budget!

Mr. 6PC will be the one setting it up and he doesn't come cheap.

Mrs. 6PC its not free. Let me see this year's budget and I will tell you how much it costs. ;)
Mr. 6PC will be the one setting it up and he doesn't come cheap.

Mrs. 6PC its not free. Let me see this year's budget and I will tell you how much it costs. ;)


By the way, the way to rid the Google calendar of the PIA is to number the patients and then limit severely the access to the number to patient list to a strict need-to-know basis. Pretty easy to do. "Patient 0123456 is seeing Dr Bob at 13:30" and it meets the incidental leakage rules.

The auditors are then far more interested in there being a clear procedure of who's got access to the key then, than the calendar.

It's all fairly funny anyway. Hundreds of thousands of home health nurses are driving around every day with patient charts in their cars. You should have seen the first iPad/tablet software in Karen's biz. No SSL. Not even for login. And nurses were originally told to just use public wifi as they traveled around. One bright engineer even made an auto-reconnect hunting script to hunt open access points to keep trying until the chart was uploaded.

(Yeah I've taken an interest to their software over time as she's gone from mountains of patient records riding in her car, to an early tablet web based crap-load of bad software, to later stuff that's slowly getting better. Pretty sure there's no requirement to use a company owned iOS device anywhere yet and no requirement for remote wipe capability or screen lock required.

(Companies run by nurses tend to be utterly clueless about data security. Just sayin'...)
I work from home 2 days a week which makes life easier to fit in flying and chores instead of hours commuting.
Mr. 6PC will be the one setting it up and he doesn't come cheap.

Mrs. 6PC, I assure you that Mr. 6PC will not only DONATE his time, he WILL BE buying you dinner afterwards (valued client that you are)

Else a few hundred POA peeps might descend on Denton with cans of whoop*** in their flight bags. Just sayin' :yes:
Mrs. 6PC, I assure you that Mr. 6PC will not only DONATE his time, he WILL BE buying you dinner afterwards (valued client that you are)

Else a few hundred POA peeps might descend on Denton with cans of whoop*** in their flight bags. Just sayin' :yes:

:thumbsup: Sounds good to me!!!!!