how many airports...


Final Approach
Feb 23, 2005
Out of a suitcase
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I am up to 14 different airport landings now! and my next one will be number 15.

once I get my license (yes folks, it WILL happen!) I think I'm going to try for the VA Ambassador - there's a set number of airports you need to fly into to do this. (not sure of the number).

I wonder who has the most, here? (no fair if you are an airline pilot!)
14 is a pretty good number
Lets see I am probably only at 20 to 25. I tend to fly to the same place a lot to visit people. Most of my flying somewhere is utilitarian instead of just for fun. I am trying to change that a bit though.
I actually made a big poster out of different charts which I hung in my basement--each time I land at a new airport, I put a little pin on the chart.

It's fun to see all the places I've been, and I've had to expand the poster as I've gotten to fly farther. I'm up to over 50 airports at least.

(It's also a fun conversation piece when you have company or service people in the basement....)
With 555 hrs in the logbook, I currently have 120 airports.

AL - 2
AR - 9
GA - 2
KS - 2
LA - 7
MO - 2
MS - 6
NE - 2
NM - 1
OK - 14
SC - 2
SD - 1
TN - 3
TX - (all the rest)
WY - 1
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I seriously started my training in Oct of '04 and I'm up to 16 airports. I never really sat down and counted them before.

IN 12
OH 3
WV 1
I don't have the stats in front of me (I'm on the road), but I recently counted and I'm up to something like 250 landing places. I say "landing places" instead of airports because I've landed off-airport a lot of places in Alaska. I also have 35 states. One of these days, I'll have to go to the other 15 just to say I've landed in all 50. Fortunately, I already have the ones that are usually tough--Alaska and Hawaii. I also have 3, soon to be 4, other countries.

But I've been flying for 16 years and nearly 1600 hours. :) What my post shows is that persistence pays off! For a long time I had only 10 or so!

Without trying to "bag" airports I've landed (and taken off) from 71 airports in 16 states. That's only in six years of flying!
Hmmmm, I dunno, quite a few.
I've landed in 31 states in my plane, so it's at least 31! From east to west (and from memory) :
All of this in less than 2 years.

NJ - 01 DE - 01 PA - 03
NC - 01 WV - 01 OH - 01
MI - 36 IN - 06 WI - 03
IL - 03 MS - 02 AR - 01
MO - 01 IA - 01 MN - 01
SD - 01 NE - 01 KS - 01
OK - 02 TX - 01 NM - 01
CO - 01 WY - 01 MT - 02
ID - 01 UT - 01 AZ - 01
CA - 01 NV - 01 OR - 02
WA - 01

I think that's all.
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Wow - I thought it'd be way more than this, but it looks like 37 in 11 states.

Ugh. I need to get going on the airports.
24 in five states. I'm looking foward to flying down in MD and really boosting that number.
judypilot said:
Fortunately, I already have the ones that are usually tough--Alaska and Hawaii.

How did you fly your plane to Hawaii?????
ya'll are impressive. I clearly have a ways to go. My CFI believes in lots of different airports - two of mine are grass strips for starters.

I am getting MUCH better at seeing them from the air - it's true what everyone said, at the beginning you cannot see squat, now you can see em all over the place.
According to my account, I have 11 states, 3 countries, and about 60 landing spots (the NZ ones aren't shown). I've been flying, including as a student, for three years.
I've always kept a map on the wall with pins in each airport location. I just had to remake it, so I went back through all my log books and entered airports in excel - so this question was timely for me since I just figured it out...217

0g7 3v0 act cid EVY gld i83 lbe MWK rtz UNI
0i3 3w2 ags cou ezi grb I89 lbf n14 rwf unv
10n 40n alo cre fay gvq iag lex n57 s37 USE
12V 48i amt CRW fdw hbi ILG LNS n99 saf W29
1d1 4g2 apa cvg ffa hef int lom ole SBY w45
1m9 6l4 auw cwi fgx hnb iob lse osh sjx w59
26n 6v4 azo cyo flo HON iou luk otm spf w95
2b2 7d2 bfd d48 FOD hsr iow lwb oxb spi wdd
2m8 7g0 bie dbq fsd HTS ipt MIW pir SPW wv12
2NO 7sp BMG dkk fst huf ism mkg PKB sqi y84
31a 89n bmi DNV ful HYW ith mle PMH ssi ZZV
33N 9g0 BQR dsm fwa i13 jgg mli PSK mfd
38N 9g3 btl dsv fz4 i18 jhw MNN pvc MFV
3ck 9g5 btv dwu GAS i28 jxn mop RAP MHE
3g7 9g6 buf dxr gbg i32 jyo mqi rdg sst
3i2 9v9 bwi eau gck i43 k22 mqj rdu THV
3I6 abe c66 EKN gez i67 laf mrt rid tus
3no abq cak elm gkt i69 lan msn roc TVC
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Re: All the contiguous states

Mike Schneider said:
Maybe, I will fly commercial to Alaska and Hawaii and rent a plane there to do a takeoff and landing.

The consensus here at PoA a couple weeks back was that flying to a destination and renting from a field you do not normally fly out of, does not count towards the state count. :) Ya gotta leave from the field you normally fly out of in order to count it. Advantages do obviously go to those that change permanent residency.
Looks like about 50 not counting landings somewhere other than an airport. I'm working on bagging all 62 public airports in eastern PA. Next on the list, 0P2 (Shoestring). Both runways are 1000' turf with displaced thresholds of 200' - 500'. It's an ultralight field.

And no, I'm not going to fly the Cherokee in there :no: :hairraise:

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Re: All the contiguous states

N2212R said:
The consensus here at PoA a couple weeks back was that flying to a destination and renting from a field you do not normally fly out of, does not count towards the state count. :) Ya gotta leave from the field you normally fly out of in order to count it. Advantages do obviously go to those that change permanent residency.

If that counts for countries too, I guess that I'm down to two countries, since I certainly didn't fly my own (or rented) plane to New Zealand! And I guess my renting a plane in San Francisco isn't going to get me CA, either. :( Still hoping to fly to Palm Springs this November for AOPA, so I may get it then.
I've managed 322 Airports/Strips/Lakes in 25 state and 5 provinces over 7 1/2 years. I feel like I'm chasing Ed around the countryside. I'm hoping to add some of the Northeastern states this summer.

Re: All the contiguous states

N2212R said:
The consensus here at PoA a couple weeks back was that flying to a destination and renting from a field you do not normally fly out of, does not count towards the state count. :) Ya gotta leave from the field you normally fly out of in order to count it. Advantages do obviously go to those that change permanent residency.

I wouldn't call it a consensus. I believe it was you that said that, and me that feels the brunt since I certainly didn't fly to Florida from New Mexico or New Hampshire.

You're just trying to belittle my numbers.


And an extra :D to make sure its obvious that I'm kidding
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I have two soybean fields! I would estimate about 50 other airports in about 4 yrs of flying
hey, if ya land at an airport ya land at an airport. it doesn't cease to exist just because you didn't start from home base. one of mine was in Canada. I still landed there.
Re: All the contiguous states

SkyHog said:
I wouldn't call it a consensus. I believe it was you that said that, and me that feels the brunt since I certainly didn't fly to Florida from New Mexico or New Hampshire.

You're just trying to belittle my numbers.


And an extra :D to make sure its obvious that I'm kidding

Actually it was Henning who made the statement. And I pretty much defer to him on anything like that. He's probably got us all beat combined.

But Nick, weren't you living in NH when you did a T/O and landing there?
Re: All the contiguous states

Mike Schneider said:
I was going to lie and say I flew to Alaska and Hawaii non-stop from Tallahassee. Actually, I planned on saying I have flown my own plane to each of the contigious states from one airport (Tallahassee) and I rented a plane in Alaska and Hawaii. But, since you say that won't count, I'm giving up the idea. -- Mike

Yeah, I figure I will only get 49. I'm doing Alaska next year in my plane. And I'll add a couple provinces on the way there.

There's no way I can modify my plane enough to make it to Hawaii. 2200 miles...10gph...125 kts. Would need 190 gallons of fuel, hope for no headwinds. Where can I fit 140 extra gallons of fuel? Anyone got an STC for 2 extra 70 gallon tanks on a Cherokee?
heck ed, you could probably get the tank system from a cherokee 6 or seneca in those wings, thatd give you 100 gallons in the wings. Then take backseats out and replace w/a 70 gallon drum or so. Right front seat gets ditched for a 20 gallon drum, and you're good to go!
Maybe you could time it when the Navy has a carrier about halfway between, arrange for them to have some 100LL, and make a mid-ocean stop.

I don't know how long the carrier's landing surface is, but its at sea level. That helps!

Its too back the water based aerodrome system never actually happened as planned back in the early part of the 20th century.
about 600 feet or so nick, a little more if you play the angle right i think. with a strong wind, doable, especially with the carrier steaming full speed into it
Re: All the contiguous states

N2212R said:
Yeah, I figure I will only get 49. I'm doing Alaska next year in my plane. And I'll add a couple provinces on the way there.

There's no way I can modify my plane enough to make it to Hawaii. 2200 miles...10gph...125 kts. Would need 190 gallons of fuel, hope for no headwinds. Where can I fit 140 extra gallons of fuel? Anyone got an STC for 2 extra 70 gallon tanks on a Cherokee?

Don't know about a Cherokee but it's been done in a C172, a Mooney C and of course the bigger Cs and Bs.
How do I count the rotary wing time overseas? Lots of off airport landings to places that don't even have names? Hill 5XX; or grid coordinates this and than or fly over here and look for the unit on the ground to pop smoke ;-)

woodstock said:
hey, if ya land at an airport ya land at an airport. it doesn't cease to exist just because you didn't start from home base. one of mine was in Canada. I still landed there.
I agree. My cross country from Oahu to Kauai over 100 miles of open water counts in my book.
Re: All the contiguous states

N2212R said:
Ya gotta leave from the field you normally fly out of in order to count it.
OK, in that case I have 46 of 50 states (missing CT, VT, RI and HI). I can't even begin to count the airports. I have a new twist on the game, though. I'm handicapped by the fact that I never get to choose the destinations, they are chosen for me.
Got home to the book mark where I write down each new airport id.

So, 205 airports in 23 states, 3 countries, 10 years, 1500 hours.
(Have to get back east. States out here are too big.)
Re: All the contiguous states

N2212R said:
The consensus here at PoA a couple weeks back was that flying to a destination and renting from a field you do not normally fly out of, does not count towards the state count. :) Ya gotta leave from the field you normally fly out of in order to count it. Advantages do obviously go to those that change permanent residency.

Huh? That doesn't make sense at all. What about if I fly a friend's airplane. Does that count?

Sorry, I don't buy it. Not that it makes that much difference in my case. It reduces by country count to 2 (soon to be 3) and my state count from 35 to 33, depending on whether flying a friend's plane counts. If it doesn't count, then it reduces my state count to 32 (soon to be 33). Sheesh.


20 Airports. 140 hours. 62.2 hours XC

Intro Flight: 1 year 6 months ago.

Private Pilot for: 1 year

93.3 hours average a year. (This number is dropping quick. I've hardly flown this year.. err..)
33 so far
9 Alaska
7 Canada
1 N. Dakota
1 S. Dakota
3 MO
2 KY
5 TN
1 GA
2 FL
2 IN
I have had my Lic for 7 Months and am at 102hrs. I have flown my plane from Alaska to Florida (2 separate flights)
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Re: All the contiguous states

ejensen said:
Don't know about a Cherokee but it's been done in a C172, a Mooney C and of course the bigger Cs and Bs.
USS Nimitz Skyhawk 318RC 30mi NE @6000ft inbound for landing
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Re: All the contiguous states

You just need to trade up a bit...

24/11/59 Class C1-C Comanche PA-24-180 (Lycoming 180 hp) N110LF
Distance : from Casablanca to El Paso Texas
11,211.83 km = 6 966.75 miles
Duration : 56 hours
Pilot: Max Conrad

N2212R said:
Yeah, I figure I will only get 49. I'm doing Alaska next year in my plane. And I'll add a couple provinces on the way there.

There's no way I can modify my plane enough to make it to Hawaii. 2200 miles...10gph...125 kts. Would need 190 gallons of fuel, hope for no headwinds. Where can I fit 140 extra gallons of fuel? Anyone got an STC for 2 extra 70 gallon tanks on a Cherokee?
woodstock said:
I clearly have a ways to go. My CFI believes in lots of different airports - two of mine are grass strips for starters.

Sounds like you have a good CFI! :yes:

I'm up to 60 airports in 13 states over 3 years and 289.1 hours.

WI - 31
FL - 6
IL, TX - 4 ea.
IN - 3
AR, KS, MI, PA - 2 ea.
IA, KY, MO, OR - 1 ea.

And that's including all the times I've rented planes elsewhere. Nothing in 61.51 about having to own the plane or fly from your home drome to be able to log it. :p Otherwise, you'd have to chop out OR, FL, KS, and PA. (Or do I get to count PA... It was Ed G's airplane! I call a PoA exemption to the PoA exemption! :D)