How lo can I go?


Touchdown! Greaser!
PoA Supporter
Mar 10, 2013
Oakland, CA
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Bro do you even lift
SO LO !! :goofy:

After a full month and a half of battling the weather and getting dizzy flying the pattern over and over and ranting on PoA about how aggravated I am and getting great advice from everyone here, I finally solo'd last night! CFI asked if I was ready, and you know I was! The first landing was so greased that I wasn't even 100% sure my wheels were on the ground, but they were and it was SWEEET! Second landing was horrendous, and third one was awesome! What an incredible feeling, and we were rewarded with smooth air and a gorgeous sunset on the way home.

Thanks for all the great advice coming out of this forum, y'all have been very helpful and I'm glad to be able to share this moment with you. I'll put some video clips together and post soon! :yes:
Just remember, the ratio of good to "not so good" landings will probably not change. ;)


Congratulations! Keep the dirty side down. Unless, of course, you have a parachute. My solo hours will always be some of the most enjoyable in my logbook.
Nice!!!!!!!!!! Not too long till you have the green card!
Congrats such a great feeling afterwards :goofy::goofy::goofy: still remember mine like it was yesterday
Congrats Eman! You've been waiting for the moment for a while now, high five my man!
Great job, birdman. Welcome to the exclusive club of those who have taken an airplane into flight and returned safely to earth. Now, I'll bet that grin is still on your face. :yes:

Have fun with the rest of the journey.
Congrats Eman. Remember:

1. We are all counting on you ...
2. Be sure the take off and landing columns equal one another
3. The FAA has 3 definitions for night, and you get to learn all of them.
4. ANC (aviate-navigate-communicate) really works, or if in a hurry FTFA:lol:
Congrats Eman. Remember:

1. We are all counting on you ...
2. Be sure the take off and landing columns equal one another
3. The FAA has 3 definitions for night, and you get to learn all of them.
4. ANC (aviate-navigate-communicate) really works, or if in a hurry FTFA:lol:

Uh oh. I'm in trouble. I have one more landing than take-off in my log. :D

But, all good advice there.