Touchdown! Greaser!
I hadn't noticed before, but your plastic pilot's certificate has micro-printing on the front and the back. It's along the struts of the Wright flyer, and along the wing leading edges and the Wright brother's collars. I tried to check it out with the "high magnification bubble" inside our magnifying glass lense, but I think I need a jeweler's loupe. From what I could make out, the text seems to be part of a speech Marion Blakely gave in December 2002 at the Air & Space Museum.
According to this document, there is also "ultraviolet ink", so I'm hoping one of you with a blacklight can tell us what else is on our certificates that's not visible to the naked eye.
According to this document, there is also "ultraviolet ink", so I'm hoping one of you with a blacklight can tell us what else is on our certificates that's not visible to the naked eye.