How do you like your eggs?


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Jul 21, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
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You walk into Waffle House for breakfast and get seated. The waitress who appears as though she hasn't showered in several days and is missing a few teeth comes over to take your order. You order the usual, a buttermilk waffle cooked slightly well, hash browns and a side of eggs. When she asks how you prefer the eggs to be prepared, you sit there looking perplexed, as though you've just been asked to recite Avogadro's number from beginning to end. What do you tell her?

Sunny Side Up?
Over Easy?
Over Medium?
The list goes on...
Scrambled well done, over (very) hard, hard boiled, omelette well done...
Love all styles but must be well done.
Three eggs over easy, two pieces of bacon, and one piece of wheat toast. Oh, and a large OJ as well, please!
Soft boiled, something they don't do at Waffle House (or anywhere else I've been in the US). Have to admit, my last outing to a Waffle House was indeed my last outing. I've no intention of going back.
In a sketchy place, scrambled, Over medium if I think they can do it. Soft boiled at home.
Soft boiled, something they don't do at Waffle House (or anywhere else I've been in the US). Have to admit, my last outing to a Waffle House was indeed my last outing. I've no intention of going back.
How come? Some of the employees give me the willies, which can be a turn off.

But as for a quick breakfast out, it’s hard to beat.
At Waffle house, scrambled. At home I'd scramble them, but add a couple shakes of Frank's Red Hot, and mix in some chopped ham and maybe some diced mild chilies.
Soft boiled,

OK, I can get behind this. Take two pieces of soft bread, butter them, and tear them into bits in a large bowl. Add three soft boiled eggs and mix well. Yum!
Usually scrambled, sometimes over medium. I don't like 'em runny. Gotta have hash browns smothered, love onions in it. Occasionally grits. Wheat toast to dip in the yoke. Usually no meat. Coffee.
Poached in salsa served on a browned tortilla with some grated cheese.

Screw Waffle House.
Over easy. With lots of bacon, hash browns, and side of wheat toast. Oh, and keep the coffee coming!

At the majority of restaurants I get eggs scrambled. It takes a real dummy to screw up scrambled eggs. I mean I could do scrambled eggs at 6 years old. But I was not allowed to touch the skillet until I was 10.
You walk into Waffle House for breakfast and get seated. The waitress who appears as though she hasn't showered in several days and is missing a few teeth comes over to take your order. You order the usual, a buttermilk waffle cooked slightly well, hash browns and a side of eggs. When she asks how you prefer the eggs to be prepared, you sit there looking perplexed, as though you've just been asked to recite Avogadro's number from beginning to end. What do you tell her?

Sunny Side Up?
Over Easy?
Over Medium?
The list goes on...

I like just one avocado in my omelet.

Oh, Avogadro. Nevermind.
At the majority of restaurants I get eggs scrambled. It takes a real dummy to screw up scrambled eggs.

True, but ordering scrambled eggs at restaurants often results in vastly different volumes of eggs time to time and place to place. If you order two eggs over (whatever), and least you know you're getting the two eggs you paid for.
You walk into Waffle House for breakfast and get seated. The waitress who appears as though she hasn't showered in several days and is missing a few teeth comes over to take your order. You order the usual, a buttermilk waffle cooked slightly well, hash browns and a side of eggs. When she asks how you prefer the eggs to be prepared, you sit there looking perplexed, as though you've just been asked to recite Avogadro's number from beginning to end. What do you tell her?

Sunny Side Up?
Over Easy?
Over Medium?
The list goes on...
Trick question: I want mine with a .45 in my pocket.
I like mine sunny side up.

But I confess I’m picky. We have about 18 laying hens. My eggs are fresh from the farm every day. If the only eggs you’ve ever had were commercially produced you’ve never had good eggs.

Sorry but can’t do Waffle House.