How can I Find certain approaches near to me...?


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jan 13, 2010
Denton, TX
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The original "I don't know it all" of aviation.
Is there a simple way to use the interwebs to say "I am at this airport. Show me which airports within XX radius that have YY type of approach?"
Good luck finding an active NDB Approach!
Air nav .com / airport info.
In your google search, type in: "whatever approach you want to find" "what city/town you're looking for"

Seems to work fairly well so far.

Edit: This doesn't give you the radius option though. I would suppose if you can't find anything by the city/town name, you could use the controlling Center to widen the range.
This doesn't give you the radius option though
Thanks Jeremy... the search feature does what I want if you replace city with state... Adding in Texas and ILS got a list of airports within Texas that had an ILS approach
In your google search, type in: "whatever approach you want to find" "what city/town you're looking for"

Seems to work fairly well so far.

Edit: This doesn't give you the radius option though. I would suppose if you can't find anything by the city/town name, you could use the controlling Center to widen the range.
Putting in the FSS might help depending on the size of the state and where you are. It could be better than the Center if you're close to a Centers boundary