Hot plate question


Filing Flight Plan
Oct 5, 2023
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In my quest for a twin plane to purchase, I have come across many that come with a 'hot plate' on the windshield installed as part of a STC. My mission (if I can call it that) will never have me flying anywhere near icing so I'm keen to understand what's involved in removing this. Suppose I like a plane but would much rather have a windshield that's unobstructed. How much work/effort/cost to remove (Aerostar 601P as an example)?

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How much work/effort/cost to remove
There are a lot of variables to this question. But for note some hot plates were factory installed vs STC. However in my experience if you can remove the plate without windshield damage, and you will not replace the plate, there will be a permanent optical distortion where the plate was especially at the edge areas. Best to have your mechanic give the input as its his call that will matter.
Your plane, your decision, but:

Keep in mind that when you finally decide to sell, a lot of buyers for that level of plane will avoid one that doesn't have FIKI or at least some icing mitigation equipment. You'll be paying to reduce the resale value significantly.

I agree. I think removing it would be a poor decision for resale value.

In my quest for a twin plane to purchase, I have come across many that come with a 'hot plate' on the windshield installed as part of a STC. My mission (if I can call it that) will never have me flying anywhere near icing so I'm keen to understand what's involved in removing this. Suppose I like a plane but would much rather have a windshield that's unobstructed. How much work/effort/cost to remove (Aerostar 601P as an example)?


It's hard to believe, but the hot plate doesn't interfere with your vision very much. You pretty quickly stop really noticing it. And as mentioned, there will likely be some marring of the windshield where the hot plate was anyway, so even if you remove it you'll still be noticing something (and it will probably be more annoying actually).

So the solution there is to not just remove the hot plate, but replace the whole windshield, keeping the hot plate stored away safely. But that's a silly level of expense and work to undertake that results in less capability than before.
Thank you guys, great insights. I agree, probably a silly idea.
Depends on the plane. In my Seneca FIKI requires the hot plate be installed. However it is easily removable with a couple of screws for storage during warm weather seasons. I prefer flying without it as where it is placed causes a parallax as one eye is looking through it and one eye is looking beside it and like you if I ever fly in conditions where I have ice on the windshield as I’m landing I’ve made more than one mistake. But then again, I only use my de ice equipment as a get out of jail free, not for specific plan to fly in known ice.
Just because you don’t plan on flying near icing doesn’t mean that you may not encounter some due to wrong forecast, unexpected diversions, etc. in which case you may actually be glad to have the equipment on board.