I thought the same thing, Bryan. Of course, I haven't been to a ton of FBOs, so maybe the nicer ones start to look alike.
I lurk a lot. Most of what I know about GA I learned from quizzing Bryan as he prepared for his written and from the times I don't zone out when he's droning on . . . I mean educating me about planes and flying.
Seriously though, I've always enjoyed flying. Went up in a small plane when I was about 8, and I still remember quite a bit about that flight. My friend's dad made me float, and that was about the coolest feeling ever -cool enough to remember it for over 25 years later.
Married Bryan in 2000, and a few months in, he took me to an FBO in Tulsa to watch planes and said one day he was going to become a pilot. Took 13 years before he accomplished that, but it was pretty damn cool to see him reach his goal. And another cool thing happened: I found out I really enjoyed flying in small planes too!
I've had 1 real lesson, but Bryan teaches me something each time we go up. I am going to take lessons until I'm confident I can get us down safely should Bryan bite the big one up in the sky, and at that point, I'll decide if I want to go all the way with the PPL thing. (After I am comfortable landing, not after Bryan dies, just to clarify.)
It's a lot of time, energy, and expense, but I'd sure like to look -I mean be- like Martha King one day.