Federal law supercedes their auuthority in this matter. The HOA can *NOT* prevent you from installing a TV, satellite or internet service antenna on your building, whether or not cable tv is available. Nor can your local government.
I can go dig up the actual code if need be, but that is the case.
Actually, PRB-1 does not impact CC&Rs. It requires governmental agencies to make reasonable accomodation, but private contracts (and that's what CC&Rs are) are exempt. I wish that wasn't the case, but... If you have something that goes beyond PRB-1, I would be very interested in seeing it. Won't help me, but I'm sure there are others (e.g. at ARRL HQ) who would be most interested in seeing it.
Around here it's easy to put up an antenna - don't mount it on the roof. A ground mounted tower would be legal if it didn't impact someone's view (a major point of living where I do). Of course, my wife thinks "stupidradio" is one word, so stealth is the rule for my antennas.