history of ear tubes



Two MDs have refused to do a BasicMed signoff because I had bilateral ear tubes place nine years ago (they fell out six months afterward and it's been smooth sailing since). The "surgery" was reported to two different AMEs and neither had an issue with it. Seems crazy to be denied over something the FAA doesn't care about. Obviously my eardrums are visible and fine. I explained that I was frequently sick when my children were toddlers in daycare, but things have gotten better since. Am I missing something? Should the AMEs have squawked more?
Two MDs have refused to do a BasicMed signoff because I had bilateral ear tubes place nine years ago (they fell out six months afterward and it's been smooth sailing since). The "surgery" was reported to two different AMEs and neither had an issue with it. Seems crazy to be denied over something the FAA doesn't care about. Obviously my eardrums are visible and fine. I explained that I was frequently sick when my children were toddlers in daycare, but things have gotten better since. Am I missing something? Should the AMEs have squawked more?
Paging the two AMEs on this board: @bbchien and @lbfjrmd
This sounds odd. I've had the tubes several times as a child....in fact the last time my one ear has tympanoplasty (a repaired hole). It's still there cause I can whistle thru my ears. lol. This was never an issue with any of the AMEs I've seen.
This sounds odd. I've had the tubes several times as a child....in fact the last time my one ear has tympanoplasty (a repaired hole). It's still there cause I can whistle thru my ears. lol. This was never an issue with any of the AMEs I've seen.
The AMEs didn't care. The docs I tried to get to do a BasicMed signoff did.

I have no holes or scarring, fwiw.
I have an SI and expired third class for a mental health condition and would rather stop with medicals.

Of course. But any physician, including an AME, can do Basic Med. Some won’t, but they certainly can.

In any case, I’m sure somewhere in the US is a physician who will do a Basic Med exam for you.