HIMS AME told me to not report

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So in other words you went to the doc for study pills and got exactly what you were hoping for, and now it’s a problem…
guess you missed the part where I said this was a hypothetical situation. Guess you also missed the part where I said I was not prescribed any medication.
OP, It doesn't matter what you or your AME thinks, if you were diagnosed with a condition, it's right there in your history and ACCORDING TO THE FAA, YOU HAVE THAT CONDITION.
Trust me, I have a friend who did the same thing you're thinking about doing, basically pencil whipped his Med Express but very shortly after receiving his medical, started wondering if/when he would get caught and after weighing the consequences, decided to MAN UP and come clean.
He voluntarily surrendered his medical to the FAA and proceeded to do it the right way. After running the medical gauntlet and proving to the FAA that his diagnosis was questionable at best, he now holds a 3rd class medical and most importantly, isn't constantly looking over his shoulder.
Start your career the right way.
Don’t report it. Scum at FAA will make you spend thousands of dollars and wait a year till your medical is issued.