Almost happened at my airport, the day I soloed. A guy robbed a bank, took hostages, stripped them to their underwear, zip tied them together, walked out to a minivan, and got the whole group inside. Forced a bank employee to drive while he shot at the cops through the car windows. The local TV chopper guy was filming the whole thing, just a couple miles from my house. This started early in the morning after he abandoned his car and walked to the bank - I probably drove by his car on my way to work.
The minivan then drove east, which happened to be where the local airport is, and where I was doing my PP training. Cops in full pursuit, and the van drove onto the airport property, the guy got out, grabbed a hostage, and ran to a 172 doing a runup. Then a lot of things happened all at once - he tried to open the left door, he let go of the hostage and she ran towards the tail, the CFI pulled the mixture and he and the student dove out the right door, and the cops opened fire.
The CFI still teaches (I just saw him last week), the airplane ended up with a lot of holes in it, and the dumbass survived all the holes he ended up with and is in prison.
The airport was closed most of the day, and as soon as it reopened I drove out and met my CFI. The ATIS said something like, "Shots fired in the vicinity." All the local news crews were filming their remotes with the airport in the background. That airplane in the pattern, over the shoulder of the reporter doing his remote? That was me.