Hi, my name is Dale, and... I'm a pilot.

As we were driving on a LONG road trip yesterday... Omaha to Breckenridge, CO... I tried hard to avoid talking about flying. I don't want to seem obsessed. We did have a little discussion about weather, though. As we got into CO we passed through. Cold front, then a warm front. In between was overcast and raining, but I could see an easy way through and under all of it had we been flying that route (though we'd have been south of there by about 50 miles). Anyway, we were talking about the Norfolk thing... I said I wondered if I should have tipped the FBO/line guy. She said we could take him someth8ng nice the next time we flew up there for lunch or dinner.

:) So I guess she's OK enough that she wants to do it again!
Congrats and you are on your way to becoming an Aviator.

BTW, I do not recommend taking the Mrs to a grass field anytime soon. The first landing I made on a grass field in the Cherokee I thought the gear was going to come thru the wing with all the rumbles and noise.:hairraise:
