Larry in TN
What is the proper way to respond as an FO if the captain of your flight smells of alcohol or shows other signs of possible intoxication?
1: The airplane doesn't move until I'm satisfied that the Captain is fit for duty. No wiggle room at all on this.2: Approach the Captain diplomatically with your concerns. If he can't satisfy your concerns, or won't remove himself from the trip, ...
3: Contact the union's Professional Standards Committee. They will have more credibility with the Captain than the, possibly junior/new, F/O. They'll also have training in how to handle such a situation. They will also give advise on what the F/O should do next.
4: If all else fails, remove yourself from the trip and file an ASAP report. The airplane can't move without the F/O.
Call for customer service and the ground security coordinator. They are trained to handle such customer issues at the gate.7 minutes from push F/A calls & says pax had a few drinks at the airport, is talking back. One F/A wants him off, another says they can handle him. The others never met him. Any solution?