Heavily considering joining AOPA


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Castle Rock, CO
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Everything Offends Me
I'm heavily considering rejoining AOPA. It seems they're back on the right track as far as advocacy is concerned....that is huge to me.

Anyone met Craig Fuller?
Nah I think Nick is only in it for the Wine club...

That sounds good. BTW, how much are you weighing these day?
Exactly how did they help out with the new re-registration requirement for aircraft? Seems they didn't put up much of a fight and we are now stick with a $130 bill every couple of years.

stick with a $130 bill every couple of years

Where does the $130 come from. I thought $5 was the fee-------
Consider that $5 does not cover the cost of doing the registration. The FAA even admits the $5 does not cover the work. And this is just the start. Expect THIS user fee to do what all user fees do.... Go up!
While I don't necessarily agree with everything the AOPA is involved in (or not involved in), I wholly support the Safety Foundation.
I agree AOPA isn't perfect (and they agree too). However they're the best we've got. I strongly recommend that all pilots join.

Typed on a Mac.
I have long opposed joining anything..I think it was Groucho Marx who said, "I wouldn't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member."

But the AOPA is probably the best bet we have for the continued existence of general aviation. The Air Safety Foundation is a great sub-set of the AOPA, and they do excellent work in promoting safety in flight. I would suggest joining the AOPA and giving a small donation to the ASF along with it, circumstances permitting.

I have been a member, it says here on my card, since 1996 - about when I started flying for real (IFR) and recognized that, um, not everyone on the planet thinks about airplanes the way I do; and unless I had some clout from friends, those troglodytes would make my life less interesting. They still try, but with far less success than would have happened w/o AOPA

For full disclosure, I am also the Airport Support Network volunteer for my home field (PNE) and probably have some other traits that some folk will find undesirable - but there you go.:yinyang:
Hmmm, . . . Lance has more states, but I have more colors. :wink2:

(And I'm still working on Bronze badge)
When I was working on Bronze badge, I had all of 1 state. :D
I have long opposed joining anything..I think it was Groucho Marx who said, "I wouldn't want to belong to any club that would have me as a member."

But the AOPA is probably the best bet we have for the continued existence of general aviation. The Air Safety Foundation is a great sub-set of the AOPA, and they do excellent work in promoting safety in flight. I would suggest joining the AOPA and giving a small donation to the ASF along with it, circumstances permitting.

I have been a member, it says here on my card, since 1996 - about when I started flying for real (IFR) and recognized that, um, not everyone on the planet thinks about airplanes the way I do; and unless I had some clout from friends, those troglodytes would make my life less interesting. They still try, but with far less success than would have happened w/o AOPA

For full disclosure, I am also the Airport Support Network volunteer for my home field (PNE) and probably have some other traits that some folk will find undesirable - but there you go.:yinyang:
Jim, are you going to be at the ASN breakfast at OSH? If so, I'll see you there!
I'm heavily considering rejoining AOPA. It seems they're back on the right track as far as advocacy is concerned....that is huge to me.

Anyone met Craig Fuller?

But they are very in effectual at getting any thing done.

our voter base is so small we have no clout in congress.

I'm not renewing my membership this fall. my membership is up while I'm on vacation, I will continue to log in an yak, but when they lock me out, it's over.
Deal any other lobbying group the hand that AOPA has to play and see how well they do in the DC hold'em game. I think they do a hell of a job with what they have to work with. We have a voice, although one of many, and we're better off with them than without them. I'd love to send all the haters to the hill and see how much they accomplish. I've been paying dues for 37 years and won't be quitting anytime soon.

I can't believe you tight bastards won't spend $3.33 a month to support the only organized voice you have in Washington.

But they are very in effectual at getting any thing done.

our voter base is so small we have no clout in congress.

I'm not renewing my membership this fall. my membership is up while I'm on vacation, I will continue to log in an yak, but when they lock me out, it's over.
I can't believe you tight bastards won't spend $3.33 a month to support the only organized voice you have in Washington.

On top of the $0.14/month to re-register our aircraft every three years? Are you mad, man?
Deal any other lobbying group the hand that AOPA has to play and see how well they do in the DC hold'em game. I think they do a hell of a job with what they have to work with. We have a voice, although one of many, and we're better off with them than without them. I'd love to send all the haters to the hill and see how much they accomplish. I've been paying dues for 37 years and won't be quitting anytime soon.

I can't believe you tight bastards won't spend $3.33 a month to support the only organized voice you have in Washington.

I disagreed with the direction AOPA took the last few years. Much like AOPA is our "only" voice (which is 100% not true), my money is my only voice to AOPA that I disagreed with them. Phil Boyer was a do nothing president and a poison to AOPA.

If the words "User Fees" weren't involved, AOPA did nothing for anyone. That doesn't appear to be true anymore, and that is generating some interest from me to donate.

Are you that free with your money that you'd give it to an organization that does nothing for aviation? I am not, and that's why I stopped.
Why do you think the GA congressional caucus exists? You think the congress-critters did it on their own? I'm critical of some of AOPA's efforts, but I've also spent enough time on the hill enough to see how the game is played. Nobody wins them all, and in many cases the best you can hope for is a draw. Just having them avialable when the **** hits the fan can be worth many times over what we pay for the representation. The deal to have pilots preapproved for TFR passage will be huge for us. Fuller's ability to talk to a lot of those guys he has known since Regas was potus is a major tool in our bag, and we need to do whatever we can to use the credibility we have as a result of his stature.

Like we said in the army, either follow, lead or GTF out of the way.

I disagreed with the direction AOPA took the last few years. Much like AOPA is our "only" voice (which is 100% not true), my money is my only voice to AOPA that I disagreed with them. Phil Boyer was a do nothing president and a poison to AOPA.

If the words "User Fees" weren't involved, AOPA did nothing for anyone. That doesn't appear to be true anymore, and that is generating some interest from me to donate.

Are you that free with your money that you'd give it to an organization that does nothing for aviation? I am not, and that's why I stopped.
Why do you think the GA congressional caucus exists? You think the congress-critters did it on their own? I'm critical of some of AOPA's efforts, but I've also spent enough time on the hill enough to see how the game is played. Nobody wins them all, and in many cases the best you can hope for is a draw. Just having them avialable when the **** hits the fan can be worth many times over what we pay for the representation. The deal to have pilots preapproved for TFR passage will be huge for us. Fuller's ability to talk to a lot of those guys he has known since Regas was potus is a major tool in our bag, and we need to do whatever we can to use the credibility we have as a result of his stature.

Like we said in the army, either follow, lead or GTF out of the way.

Apparently you're a follower....and a blind one at that. Even if you disagreed vehemently with what an organization does you'd still support them because they exist?

Ever hear of NAMBLA? I think they need more money.
Apparently you're a follower....and a blind one at that. Even if you disagreed vehemently with what an organization does you'd still support them because they exist?

Ever hear of NAMBLA? I think they need more money.

Yikes! comparing AOPA to NAMBLA? What the H*LL did APOA do to you to deserve that comparison. :(
Yikes! comparing AOPA to NAMBLA? What the H*LL did APOA do to you to deserve that comparison. :(
Nothing of course.

For an interest group of its size, AOPA is incredibly effective. Probably one of the most effective overall (again, considering its size). People who think that AOPA isn't doing enough have a point - of course they could always be doing more. But claiming that AOPA is so ineffective that you wouldn't want to support them just shows ignorance of how things work in D.C.

If you do want them to do more, you've got to give them more to work with, too. Donate a few $100s. It does make a difference.

Nothing of course.

For an interest group of its size, AOPA is incredibly effective. Probably one of the most effective overall (again, considering its size). People who think that AOPA isn't doing enough have a point - of course they could always be doing more. But claiming that AOPA is so ineffective that you wouldn't want to support them just shows ignorance of how things work in D.C.

If you do want them to do more, you've got to give them more to work with, too. Donate a few $100s. It does make a difference.


If it's your position that AOPA is lobbying for the things you want, fine.

To me, AOPA seems more interested in the fancy glass turbine crowd and
doesn't have much to offer the small bugsmasher owner. When I
first learned to fly I was reading the AOPA rag from cover to cover.
A few years back I realized that I was skimming it and hardle reading
anything. When I noticed that I'd get the rag and not even read it,
that's when I decided I wouldn't renew.
If it's your position that AOPA is lobbying for the things you want, fine.

To me, AOPA seems more interested in the fancy glass turbine crowd and
doesn't have much to offer the small bugsmasher owner. When I
first learned to fly I was reading the AOPA rag from cover to cover.
A few years back I realized that I was skimming it and hardle reading
anything. When I noticed that I'd get the rag and not even read it,
that's when I decided I wouldn't renew.

IMO, AOPA needs to somewhat cater toward the bigger dollar crowd because they have more money to contribute. I don't really see that as a problem because the issues that affect the big operators also affect us weekend warriors.

I also think EAA does some really good things. Their work on auto gas approval was probably the biggest single thing to help keep GA affordable (relatively speaking...) in the last quarter century.

If either group could get the LSA rules changed to include the C120/C140, C150/152, etc., I'd put them in my will.
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IMO, AOPA needs to somewhat cater toward the bigger dollar crowd because they have more money to contribute. I don't really see that as a problem because the issues that affect the big operators also affect us weekend warriors.

"somewhat"? Has AOPA changed its focus in the past few years?

Andyeah, the expense of ADS-B out is a big issue for the big guys.

"somewhat"? Has AOPA changed its focus in the past few years?

Andyeah, the expense of ADS-B out is a big issue for the big guys.


Fine. Don't like what AOPA does, don't be a member. It's free to gripe here, so...
I joined AOPA before even starting my flight training to get the FT magazine, and have continued to renew my membership ever since. I have about 18 back-issues of their magazine I have yet to read, but the same goes for Flying, Car & Driver, and other magazines I'm a subscriber of. The articles in all of these don't really apply to me, but I still read through them because I enjoy the dream. Like all of you, I think that the AOPA could be more effective, but for the size of the organization, it does a good job.

The main beef I have with them is that they don't seem to like to do anything unless it's their idea. But, that goes with the territory of a non-profit advocacy group - the primary goal of any of these groups is ensuring their continued existence. Therefore, a significant part of their budget is devoted to their own advertising and PR. As such, if they can't put their name on something, then why bother doing it?

Despite that, they are the best thing we have going for us in Congress, not to mention that the ASF is worth every penny I've donated to it over the years, and by that token I'll continue my membership.
I am pretty certain that none of the AOPA naysayers have ever tried GA flying outside of the USA. That 39 bucks goes a long way to save us from the fate of GA pilots in other countries.
I am pretty certain that none of the AOPA naysayers have ever tried GA flying outside of the USA. That 39 bucks goes a long way to save us from the fate of GA pilots in other countries.

Is AOPA the only advocacy group in the United States? Or are they just the loudest ones when it comes time to take credit.

Previously, I had leaned toward the latter. Recently, I'm thinking they might warrant a second look.

And that's all I meant with this thread. No need for everyone to get their panties in a bunch because I dared to question the all-mighty AOPA.
I am pretty certain that none of the AOPA naysayers have ever tried GA flying outside of the USA. That 39 bucks goes a long way to save us from the fate of GA pilots in other countries.

I would rather fly in Canada than here.... but it is a stated goal for this administration to become more like the EU.

we already are required to comply with ICO rule in many ways. World standardization, one world government, all political conversations and I'll try not going there.
Is AOPA the only advocacy group in the United States? Or are they just the loudest ones when it comes time to take credit.

Not the ONLY one. EAA is the other major one. I believe there may be other minor ones, but EAA and AOPA are the main players in the game. I am member of both.
I dared to question the all-mighty AOPA.

You are not the only one Nick.

I joined AOPA to get there big book of airport data, they no longer print it, and I don't carry the equipment to read their freaking CD in flight.

Do your self a favor, get a Pilot Mag, cut out out all the advertisements, see whats left.
Not the ONLY one. EAA is the other major one. I believe there may be other minor ones, but EAA and AOPA are the main players in the game. I am member of both.

Guess which one I've been a member of for longer than AOPA.....

Advocacy is great. Advocacy for the sake of advocacy, in spite of the message or effort it gives, it not my thing.

EAA Member since 2005.
Not the ONLY one. EAA is the other major one. I believe there may be other minor ones, but EAA and AOPA are the main players in the game. I am member of both.

I believe EAA iis the major one, ever see AOPA have a gathering that the FAA will send a major contingent of officials to talk to the public?

9 out of 10 times EAA will beat AOPA to the punch on getting the word out to its members.

I will give AOPA credit, they do have the biggest internet interactive web page, but that is no biggy, this page has as much going for it as they do, we have a chat room, and the same software, pictures in post and all that.
Deal any other lobbying group the hand that AOPA has to play and see how well they do in the DC hold'em game. I think they do a hell of a job with what they have to work with. We have a voice, although one of many, and we're better off with them than without them. I'd love to send all the haters to the hill and see how much they accomplish. I've been paying dues for 37 years and won't be quitting anytime soon.

I can't believe you tight bastards won't spend $3.33 a month to support the only organized voice you have in Washington.

I agree with Wayne on this 100%. I also hope that Tom will reconsider, as I will miss his voice on the AOPA board.
