Thinking about getting my PPL and work my way up to being able to fly private jets. I developed a heart murmur around age 15 (8 years ago), I was diagnosed by a physician with a stethoscope. Would I have to have an ECG? What are the chances of this holding me back?
While we are on the medical topic I imagine these are not a concern but just in case...
I also had an orbital blowout fracture (broken eye socket). No damage to my sight, and I can actually see better on that eye (both are better then 20/20).
I have also had 4 or 5 concussions.
Thanks in advance!
Thinking about getting my PPL and work my way up to being able to fly private jets. I developed a heart murmur around age 15 (8 years ago), I was diagnosed by a physician with a stethoscope. Would I have to have an ECG? What are the chances of this holding me back?
While we are on the medical topic I imagine these are not a concern but just in case...
I also had an orbital blowout fracture (broken eye socket). No damage to my sight, and I can actually see better on that eye (both are better then 20/20).
I have also had 4 or 5 concussions.
Thanks in advance!