Hearing aids under motorcycle helmet


Touchdown! Greaser!
May 20, 2009
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Right Seater
Does anyone here wear hearing aids under a motorcycle helmet?

My wife wants to buy me a helmet for the times I ride her 150cc motor scooter. I wear in-the-ear hearing aids, and if something gets too close to my ears, I get a feedback squeal. I'll probably be going to try on some helmets, but I was wondering if anyone here had experience or recommendations about this.

Without a helmet, the hearing aids pick up a lot of loud wind noise. I'm hoping a helmet will decrease the wind noise without generating feedback. I have VERY powerful hearing aids. Next stop will probably be cochlear implants.
Are they programmable with a phone app or remote? Mine have a “privacy” setting which eliminates squeal. Mine are over the ear, I don’t know if that matters.

I recently saw an ENT who said I won’t hear any better with cochlear implants than with hearing aids. I’m maxed out. My hearing aids have to turn the volume so high for me to hear that it is physically painful because of the decibel pressure needed to get the signal through. I still have a lot of trouble with conversation. I thought cochlear implants bypassed all that but I confess I haven’t studied up on exactly how they work.

I asked him, well if cochlear implants won’t help, what can I do? And he said, “Learn to read lips.” That won’t work with the permanent face diaper lunacy.
My father removes his when wearing a helmet and riding. He puts them back on when we get somewhere that requires interaction.

Concerning wind noise, helmets can be all over the board for how quiet they are. Be prepared to do a fair amount of research to try and find the best fit for you.
Hmm interesting question. I wear ear protection when riding motorcycles at highway speeds. Roae noise is killer. I used to use passive noise blocking ear buds to listen to music and radio on rides. But I never felt the need for. It with small bikes.
Mine are iffy if the dynamic feedback impression works adequately. If they won't settle down, I just turn them off.

One thing I've been meaning to try is to set up a program with a feedback calibration while I've wearing things. This is easy for me to do since I have the special Bluetooth interface and the fitting software.