Healthy Foods at Whole Foods Not Always so Healthy

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Bah whatever. You can't blame Whole Foods for a freak incident they had little control over.
So instead you're going to buy the 3 year old expired milk from the Qwik-E-Mart? No self-respecting deadly spider would live there.

Come on, you're talking about something that hitched a ride with produce. Unless you're going to restrict yourself to eating Doritos (or your food of choice that is made in a chemical factory) there is that 0.00001% chance that you'll get a deadly spider with your food. Or you could get the stuff that's doused with insecticide, consume those chemicals willingly, and still get a spider with your food.

Whether or not you like Whole Foods, this shouldn't influence your decision to shop there or anywhere else.
Amazingly, spiders can end up in any shipment just as randomly as some pilot could cause you to go around on approach. Both happen more often than we know.

Read the sarcasm between the lines. Also, note the last line in my post.