Pre-takeoff checklist
Went to a meeting at my flying school/club last night at Rocky Mtn Metro (KBJC) and a controller was talking to the group about a new mandatory reporting requirement that they are charged with from now on. What this means is that if you make an infraction such as a surface deviation (i.e. turning on taxiway A6 instead of A8 or exiting the runway w/o instructions) they HAVE to report it to the FSDO. The controller stressed that they are trying to look out for people and warning them via radio BEFORE they make a mistake when possible, but if you hear the following words:
You are going to be reported to the FSDO NO MATTER WHAT and you better get your ASRS report ready.
Another great example of the FAA's motto in play: We're not happy until you're not happy!
A copy of the reg if you are interested:
(Aircraft identification) POSSIBLE PILOT DEVIATION, ADVISE YOU CONTACT (facility) AT (telephone
number). You are going to be reported to the FSDO NO MATTER WHAT and you better get your ASRS report ready.
Another great example of the FAA's motto in play: We're not happy until you're not happy!
A copy of the reg if you are interested: