Having one of those afternoons.


Oct 28, 2013
Roswell, GA
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I'm having one of those afternoons where interruption piles up on interruption. I'm just now getting back working on the first interruption of the day.

It feels like I've been swimming in a washing machine.

It could be worse, I suppose. I've been told that it's not a crisis unless you require the services of a physician, an attorney, a CPA, or a structural engineer.
Too bad we are all not closer to one another... that way after 5:00pm, we can go somewhere and celebrate the final interruption... our beer or drink glass needs refilling!
I don't know who these dude are, but........

hopefully it's getting closer to beer:30 for you!
That video reminded me of Tom Hanks in 'catch me if you can'

His co-worker said 'you never tell a joke or anything' So Hanks said ...

Knock, knock ..

Who's there?

Go **** yourself! :D:goofy:
Yep, leaving in 20 minutes. This is my favorite beer time of year, my favorite style is Oktoberfest beers and they're back in the stores now.
Yep, leaving in 20 minutes. This is my favorite beer time of year, my favorite style is Oktoberfest beers and they're back in the stores now.

AMEN! I told my wife last night that it is a good thing they don't sell those "oktoberfest" beers all year long - I would be in trouble...
They allow lunch vendors into the classified area at work. For two+ hours, you hear "There are uncleared personnel in the facility" every few minutes over the P.A. The secure door SLAMS (and there's an incredibly loud lock that THWACKs as it shuts).

We're a software shop. It's like it's designed to kill concentration.
My day was Tuesday. It was the first day for the new aviation students. :hairraise: I only have returning students, but I still ended up running around confused all day.

Later that evening, I'm having a beer with some friends, at the local hangout, and the boss walks by and laughes "I don't blame you". It was a very needed beer... :rofl:
I'd add...or a software engineer.

We have new vulnerabilities now.