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The Piper POHs are the kings of that.. sometimes I think they added it just for pizzaz
Incidentally, as much as I love low wings and prefer just about everything in an Archer to that of a Skyhawk the Piper manuals are notoriously "low rent".. why does my Archer II manual look like it's been faxed, scanned, copied, faxed, etc., a hundred times? And I'm not talking some online version someone posted.. I mean the actual manual you can buy at a pilot shop for a mid 70s Archer II looks like total garbage
And... mini rant here... but can we just have simple tables like what Cirrus and Cessna gives? I get the graph paper tricks from the POH are perhaps the trigonometrically "correct" way to extrapolate an exact landing distance... but when the graph is barely legible thanks to the whole scan-copy-fax-scan-copy thing I think you're almost better off looking at a table and getting your fuel flow from there then by taking out a ruler and graph paper
AND.. (almost done here) but if we have the graphed out data to give you the exact figures then how hard would it be to write a freaking APP for it? Yes, we should all know how to calculate these things, fine, but wouldn't it be nicer to just have a Piper, or Cessna, or Cirrus sanctioned verified app that you just plug some crap into and out it spits your performance figures? (I know there are apps out there that do this, by point is, why not have legit ones from the actual aircraft manufacturers)