Hard Eight BBQ, KSEP, Sunday 11/28


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 23, 2005
Midlothian, TX
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I'll be flying into KSEP with my bride and maybe one of my kids this Sunday for a BBQ lunch.

I plan to arrive at about 11:00AM, for 11:30 lunch and chit chat, 1:00PM-ish departure home.

You're invited to join us and make it a gaggle. :thumbsup: I've already confirmed they are open this Sunday.
This is still on! I know a few of the Dallas folks are gonna try to make it. Should be a beautiful weekend to fly.
I'll be there! I heard that some other folks are going to be there as well, so they'd better be. ;)
We will be coming later: 12:30 to 1:00. Sorry, couldn't get the cats herded before that!


Had a great time! Winds were... challenging... but not insurmountable, as evidenced by the fact that we had a good showing, and that I had 84 knots groundspeed going there, but 158 knots coming back, in a C172S. It was bumpy below about 4500', but if you climbed on top (which we did) it was reasonably smooth for cruise.

Kent showed up in the DA40, on his way back from Houston to Madison, WI. POA's Jountin (Alan) arrived in a V-tail Bonanza with a few friends of his, and a few minutes later Spike showed up with Tommy. My wife, my youngest daughter and myself rounded out the crew. We piled 10 of us into a pickup truck from Hard 8 and had some good eats, and good times, talking all things aviation. Which reminds me, I have some homework to do... something about a post from Grant that I need to find. ;)

Pictures and video of the Falcon 30 departing the 4200' runway below. We had fun wing-walking that thing down the row of Beech / Cessna / Mooney GA aircraft. He had about six inches wingtip clearance on both sides.








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Which reminds me, I have some homework to do... something about a post from Grant that I need to find. ;)

OK, it looks like it was Steingar that won a sweepstakes plane, not Grant... but Grant had knowledge of it and replied on the thread in a way that made me think Grant had won an airplane at some point in the past.

See this thread, posts 38-40.
Man, Troy, that wind was something else. Thanks for the pics, and good to see you!
TROY! KENT! Great meeting you! oh yea, and spike too... ;)

We must do this again! Man that Falcon was somethin else... That copilot was a cutie... She thought i had my thumb up because I was walking her wing... I just wanted to hitch a ride! hahaha
Mmmmmmm... Meat. :D

Alan, it was great to meet you, and it was great to see the Dallas-area crew again. Wish we'd caught Dave! Dave, did you ever make it?

Winds were fun - I think Spike had the best landing that I saw. I didn't feel worthy after watching a C120 and a Luscombe land just before we departed.
Looks like a good time - was sorry I don't have access to a plane at the moment so I could have made it too!