Happy Birthday Shipoke!

Have one on me, and send the tab to Spike. Those guys have all the money. Happy Birthday. ;) Bob
Best to you, Dave!

And send the bill to Adam, not to me; it's outside my jurisdiction!
Happy Birthday Dave!! I see Adam did not mind picking up the tab and drinking alone :cheers: is not good for your health so order me one (on Adam) I will will be over.

Thank you all ,I've enjoyed all the coments,especially the one where someone esle is BUYING. Thank Again
Dave G:blueplane:
Happy Birthday, Dave!

I apologize for butting in, but I came across this website looking the origin of something my father used to call us, "little shipokes". I thought it may have been something he picked up during WWII. But, since he was a pilot after the war (small craft only, pleasure flying) and I see that your name is Shipoke, I'm thinking now that is pilot lingo....can you please tell me what it is, or what it means to a pilot? Thanks for your help. Mary (non-pilot. :dunno:)
I apologize for butting in, but I came across this website looking the origin of something my father used to call us, "little shipokes". I thought it may have been something he picked up during WWII. But, since he was a pilot after the war (small craft only, pleasure flying) and I see that your name is Shipoke, I'm thinking now that is pilot lingo....can you please tell me what it is, or what it means to a pilot? Thanks for your help. Mary (non-pilot. :dunno:)

He hasn't posted anything on PoA in just over 2 years. Not sure if he's still hanging around. Now that you mention it, I'd be curious to know where that term came from. Guess I'll have to use my Google-foo. :D

Update - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shipoke_(Harrisburg) indicates that Shipoke is a neighborhood in Harrisburg, PA. And our friend is from Harrisburg. Might it be that he lives in Shipoke? Just a thought.
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