Happy Birth Day Dave S


Touchdown! Greaser!
Feb 24, 2005
Montgomery County PA
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Adam Zucker
Glad I didn't miss it. Hope you had an amazing birthday Dave. Its good to know ya!!!
Well, crap, I did not know it was your birthday, Dave...

...er... ummm... yeah, yeah I did- I know, sure, that's the ticket...

...I'll buy you an open-face brisket sandwich!

Happy Birthday, Dave.
Here's another belated Happy Birthday. Glad to know you're a Leo too. Must be something about that and aviation.
May all the rest be better than the last.
A happy belated birthday, Dave! Hope you enjoyed it and went flying! :)
Well, shoot, I missed it. Happy Birthday anyway.
Thanks folks! I had as nice a birthday as one can have with a cold! Got lots of calls, a couple gifts, ate lunch with some nice friends who talked mainly about flying, and laid around trying to shake this cold in-between. One friend sent a framed musical piece composed by Anton Diabelli named 'Siciliano'. Have no idea what it sounds like, but it was nice to see.

Since I'm getting over-the-hill, the BD isn't as big a deal anymore. As a matter of fact, I try to stay pretty low key about it. But it is nice to have special friends just mention it. I'll celebrate with my Son tomorrow night after he finishes finals and with my Daughter in Greenville this weekend--if I shake this cold <g>


So you come back from Hawaii and catch a cold.....what's up with that.

Glad you still enjoyed your day, and a belated but very happy birthday to you!!!

Happy Birthday, Dave! Figures you come back from Hawaii with a cold. How funny...that's what we all wished upon you when we heard you weren't taking us with you. :goofy:

Have a good one!
So you come back from Hawaii and catch a cold.....what's up with that.

Glad you still enjoyed your day, and a belated but very happy birthday to you!!!


Thanks Kaye, and yes. The neighbor down the street had this before me; that's who I'm going to blame for gettin it <g>.


Happy Birthday, Dave! Figures you come back from Hawaii with a cold. How funny...that's what we all wished upon you when we heard you weren't taking us with you. :goofy:

Have a good one!

Well, I don't recall having it when I returned, but came down with it the next weekend--incubation period?
Why don't you tell me how you really felt about not being invited ;)


Sorry to hear about the cold I too had one and it was a doosey! almost two weeks to shake. Summer colds are the WORST.