In case we didn't wish you happy b'day enough when we were down there, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ED!
Let me be the first one to say...

Oops, too late. Adam beat me to it.

Hope you had a good birthday.
Happy birthday you old f&*$.

(that word is really "fart") :yes:
Happy Birthday Ed!

Don't the POAers Give us a good Birthday every year.

...Happy Birthday, Ed. You already bought yourself a 250HP present- and you deserved it!
Happy birthday, Ed!
HBD!!!! Ed... I'd say go buy yourself something nice, But you already did!
Uh....it was yesterday. But thanks.
That's alright, because Adam, my, and Bill's missives were yesterday!:rofl: (Of course, I'm the only one in the right time zone to be able to say that with a straight face! :))
Hey, you guys have an anniversary today don't ya?
Hey when I sent that message it was only a few minutes past 11:00PM in Western Michigan
Hey when I sent that message it was only a few minutes past 11:00PM in Western Michigan

I think your DST is off on your computer. It says 12:06am on May 20th here. And this post shows 11:14am. :D

West Michigan is Eastern Time Zone.
get your application for AARP yet?

Funny, I always use that when I send TXTs or VMs to other people on their birthdays - unless they are getting close to 50. Then I ask them if they get to start collecting SS in 6 months.
After all I've done for you...this....THIS is how you repay me?!?!?!

Sorry, I just couldn't resist. With such a wide open door, I couldn't help but walk through :yikes:

Please don't hold it against me . . . I can see that I'm not going to get to ride in the Comanche anytime soon :nonod: