Hangar space in the Dayton (OH) area?


May 15, 2015
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Any of you Ohio members have any suggestions for finding hangar space at airportsin the Dayton, Ohio area? Ideally at Moraine, but open to anywhere close by. Looking for rental or sublease options.
This bearhawk project is nearing the point of needing to graduate from garage to actual hangar.

Middletown and Warren County usually have space. I rented at MWO while on the waiting list at Greene County.

Moraine, Wright Bros and Greene usually all have a long waiting list.

Moraine is a great airport. We left three years ago, but I'd go back in a heartbeat if we ever moved back to Dayton.
@ flyingfrog,
Do you have any intel or suggestions as to anyone at Moraine that might be willing to sub-lease some hangar space?
@ flyingfrog,
Do you have any intel or suggestions as to anyone at Moraine that might be willing to sub-lease some hangar space?

Go on out to the airport and poke around would be my suggestion. Especially on a weekend, someone is bound to know of what you seek.
@ flyingfrog,
Do you have any intel or suggestions as to anyone at Moraine that might be willing to sub-lease some hangar space?

I talked to the Airport Manager a year ago and he looked into a couple of hangars that might be available for me. The current occupants weren't interested in sharing. The manager promised to keep me in mind but I never heard from him again. My number came up at Greene County so I rent there.

My advice is to go there every weekend and keep asking, asking, asking since the squeaky wheel might get the grease.
