Final Approach
Anyone familiar with roofing, gutters, drip edge, etc? We got a new roof as a result of this summer's hail storm, and new zoning codes here require drip edge. I don't believe the installation of the drip edge is done right, but the project manager insists (he's also blown us off on a number of things we've had to fight for, so my trust level is a bit low by now). Since I've never messed with drip edge, I have no idea about proper installation, just know that this "doesn't look right". The outside corners where done by snipping the metal and bending around the corner, resulting in a cut exposing the trim to the weather. I chatted with "the guy in the roofing department" at Home Depot for his opinion. He says one piece should wrap around, and another piece start at the corner...
anyone know about drip edge?
anyone know about drip edge?